❁Flying through the clouds❁

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Took me a few days but I finally got a chapter out!



Sugawara couldn't help himself as he twirled around in the mirror. After doing a bit of snooping around and asking a few maids for help, the silver angel had finally found an outfit that seemed fitting for the occasion.

He had found a white button-up blouse that he had tied with a belt. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans with light tears in them. Having been lazy, his silver hair remained untouched, it lay messy but natural on his head.

Surprisingly the maids had gotten into this more than Suga expected as they ran around the room finding every little accessory they could, testing it on the outfit then throwing it onto the ever-growing pile. In the end, it was all worth it. The silver angel had been accessorised with some cute cloud hair clips giving the outfit that little bit of spice.

"Come on its almost time!" squealed the maids as they crowded around their final product.

Butterflies filled Sugawara's stomach as the empty sound of his shoes echoed throughout the empty halls. It added a sense of reality to all of this.

While walking down the halls, the honey orbed angel couldn't help but snigger at the small scene playing out in the halls. Tanaka followed Ennoshita who seemed to be engrossed in mopping his part of the floor. The devil seemed to be complaining about how he never got enough cuddles while it was all the angel could do to shrug it off and continue on his job.

As the throne room doors came into view as Suga turned the corner, a huge smile came across his face. He was excited for this, just another excuse for him and Daichi to be together, alone.

Before his pale hand could reach for the throne room doors, they were swung open, revealing the king who was standing there rather prepared.

As soon as his chocolate orbs laid on the silver angel, a furious blush blossomed across his face.

"Oh u-uh Koushi... you look... amazing"

A small giggle escaped the angel's lips as he watched the flustered king try to cover himself.

"Thank you do to"

Suga wasn't lying.

He wore a simple teal t-shirt covered by a light blue denim jacket with some black jeans to match. It was stunning, to say the least.

"Come on, I have something I would like to show you" the deep voice came, knocking Sugawara out of his daydream.

As the pair connected hands while walking to the exit of the castle, birds chirped in the evening sun. The purples and pinks of the sunset were mixing together to create a masterpiece, setting the mood perfectly.

As a fresh blush blossomed across Sugawara's face, as a candlelit table came into view. A classic red tablecloth and a blooming white rose place delicately in a jar while silver cutlery lay shining in the setting sunlight.

"D-did you do all this?" came a shuttered response from Sugawara.

"Of course, I felt bad for arguing with you this morning, so I wanted to make it up to you"

Tears stung in the edges of the honey-coloured orbs. All of this was for him... just him...

"Please, take a seat" the king gestured to one of the seats that were ladened with a plush pillow.

As Suga looked around and the beautiful palace gardens, he couldn't help the wide smile that played across his face. There was so much variety to what plants lived here and all of them were natural and real!

"So... do you like it?" the nervous Daichi asked in an embarrassed tone.

"Like... I love it"

As the candlelight danced across the natural setting while the sun slowly set behind the horizon, all the couple could do was try not to fall deeper in love. With each word, each conversation, each small giggle, the pair found themselves falling even harder for each other as the evening passed.

"Hey Koushi, is it okay if I... can I take you somewhere else?" the king whispered.

"Hmmm, sure"

Without hesitation, Daichi stood up and walked over to where Sugawara had stood up as well.

"Hop on" the devil gestured to his back, right in between his wings.

With butterflies in his stomach, the silver angel slowly climbed onto Daichi's back, nervous and excited both mixing to create one jumble of emotions.


The silver angel's screams were cut short by the powerful flapping of the black and white wings. With every movement, more wind swirled around, ruffling the plants and vegetation around them.

Within a split second, the couple were up in the air, the castle now a speck in the distance.

Feeling the wind in his hair, a familiar sense of nostalgia came and hit Suga.

Slowly opening his honey-coloured orbs, he couldn't help but gasp as the magical view slowly came and went. Fields upon fields of crops and meadows made it look like a patchwork of green and yellow. Passing cities and small towns added to the aesthetic. It was... there were no words to describe the absolute beauty of the passing landscape.

Realising how tight his grip was on Daichi, he slowly released his death grip, still keeping a firm grip as if not to fall off. Flying higher, the angel felt tears prick his eyes as the soft, pink clouds came into view.

On instinct, Suga raised his pale hand off the king's shoulders and into the passing clouds as the misty feel of them made everything feel like a fantasy. Whizzing past the cotton-like clouds, the silver angel couldn't help but smile, one full of pure happiness.

While Daichi started to fly on a slow decline, Sugawara watched as the moon now rose, replacing the warm glow of the sun with a mystical and mysterious aura.

Returning to reality, the silver angel's smile faded as the balcony of the king's room came into view. The night was over. The adrenaline he had previously felt washed away as he was lightly placed down on his feet by the king.

"I have a bit more work to do, I'll be back later tonight"

The next thing that happened none of them could explain. Still hovering in the air, Daichi leaned in to place a light kiss on his angel's cheek.


Grapes are good food


Have you ever changed someone's mind about something?

I had to convince a friend that Asanoya was worth shipping. I went through every little detail like how they only joined for each other and manga spoilers and oh god it was painful


Brrr everyone have a good day!!! Make sure to take some time to yourself and drink water!<33333333


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