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Haha what a crappy chapter name



"This doesn't mean your trust is back, make it up to me okay?"


"I will, I promise"

A comfortable silence filled the air as the couple got lost in their own little world. Arms wrapped around each other, swaying from side to side with small tears running down their faces. After a few minutes of their enchanting moment, Daichi spoke up.

"So uh, how's your wing?"

Memories flooding Sugawara's mind as the thought of the pain, the sound of breaking done and the blood trickling down his back.

"Heh, from the state they are in right now... I would say I'm not going to be flying any time soon, or ever"

The world seemed to crack and break around the king at those last few words. Never fly again? It was his fault, he had heard about how delicate and fragile angels wings were, so why did he even test that?

"I-I'm sorry"

"No don't be, I'm used to not flying so Ill get around fine"

Something about that sentence seemed off...

"You're used to it?"

"Y-yea, I'm premature, meaning my wings didn't grow until later, so I didn't have much time in the air"

There was a heavy silence that filled the air. The guilt just kept on piling up for Daichi as he continued to regret his actions that had caused all of this. It was like a lightbulb appeared above the king's head.

"I can get a doctor in from the angel kingdom if you like"

"Is this your way of earning my trust?" Sugawara said with a smirk plastered across his face.

A blush blossomed across the devil's face as he took in the beauty of the silver angel once again. He had fallen, and he had fallen hard.

"I would do it anyway, this is all my fault so if there is even a slither of a chance that your wings will heal, I'm going to try and grab it"

It was Suga's time to blush. He never expected such a straightforward reply, it was comforting in a way. Incoherent murmuring was heard from the honey eyed male as he became a blushing mess, making a pathetic attempt to hide it by looking at hands.

"I'll go make a letter right now," Daichi said in a cheery tone as he got up.

The door creaked closed, leaving a lonely angel sitting on the ground of a musty and old room, dry blood covering the base of his wing. Even with the circumstances, Sugawara couldn't help but feel... overjoyed.

This was progress, this showed that Daichi still cared, this showed that things were going to be okay!


Sorry, this is really short! School just finished for the year and I wanted to get a chapter out really badly!


What is the most recent song you have listened to?

Alien boy - Oliver Tree, Grass made me listen to it because of Iwaoi and it's amazing =w=


Have an amazing day and remember to look after yourself! You are amazing <333333333 (No Takebacks)


Kidnapped by the king - DaisugaWhere stories live. Discover now