Its always something...

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"So we meet again."

"Yeah we do." Alex sassed.

Derek slapped her thigh. "Don't start today Alexandra." Alex looked at her husband who dared her to challenge him. She sighed before glaring at the therapist. The therapist smirked.

Derek looked at her making her break eye contact with the therapist. "You got something you wanted to say to her?"

Alex rolled her eyes sucking her teeth. "I apologize for how I acted the last time we were here. It won't happen again. I know you were doing your job but when it comes to my kids I liked to be involved every step of the way. My apologies for overstepping my bounds."

"Apology accept and I understand. Which leads me to today, although Aidan is 18 years old, and I shouldn't be discussing this with you guys I felt like I need to. He was adopted correct?"

"Yes he was, when he was 6."

"And the relationship with his biological mother wasn't a good one right?"

Alex swallowed the ball in her throat. "That would be correct."

"Aidan told me vivid things that happened in his childhood. His mother and her boyfriend were extremely abusive. But he paints you guys as saviors. Did he have any explosive moments growing up?"

"Yes...." Derek answered.

"In what ways?"

"When he would be visibly frustrated, when Alex left for long periods of time or other typical kid moments."

"So would you say Aidan has a favorite parent?"

"Yes." The couple said.

"And who would that be?"

"Me." Alex said wondering where she was going with all of this.

"So would you say that Aidan is more dependent on you than Derek?"

"I would, sometimes it's a lot but I don't mind it for the most part. Because if he's not clinging to me then he's clinging to his best friend."

"Mhmm, that's what I gathered from him. Derek, Alexandra I whole heartedly believe that Aidan has abandonment issues. The way he is acting out and having unhealthy sexual relationships is the cause of that."

"He told me you just came back from tour. I asked him how he felt about it, he said he was happy that you were home again because you would be able to be there for him when he needed you."

"I asked him how he felt when you were on tour."

"He told me that he felt alone. That you weren't there for him when he needed you."

"But I would never." Alex felt herself getting emotional.

"I know, and I'm sure. But in his mind he feels like he has no one. His best friends aren't talking to him, his mother is gone. I'm sure his siblings have their own lives he's constantly looking for company. So he turns to quick flings to feel some type of connection and that helps temporarily. I don't want you guys to coddle him or treat him any differently then you've been doing. If he wants to lay with you allow it. If he wants affection dont pust him away. He's fighting himself to believe that people are there for him and he won't be alone. I do want him to come back. The last session didn't go to well speaking on Maddie. But I believe we can fix this we just have to talk about this that are tough for him."

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