Chapter 3 - It's Not Soda. It's Pop!

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As pull up the driveway at Seth's house, Dylan and Seth are sitting in lawn chairs, while Mariah and Rachel are sitting on the tailgate of Dylan's truck engaging in conversation amongst themselves. I begin to grit my teeth because already I'm not too fond of Rachel just for being with Seth so, she can't be getting too friendly with my cousin, or I will go ape shit on her ass! Bitch, you better back the fuck up if ya know what's good for ya!

I do my best to keep my temper at bay as we climb out of the car. As I briskly walk ahead of the other three, Jeb jots ahead of Nate and Maggie to put his arm around my shoulder as we walk up. It appears he's already staking his claim of me. God, forgive me for what I'm about to do to this poor schmuck.

As I approach Dylan and Seth, I notice Seth scratching his chin as he eyes me intently before glaring at Jeb. I can't help but snicker, "Hey guys!" I call out.

Mariah and Rachel greet us warmly as we draw closer. Dylan stands up and begins to set out four more lawn chairs for us to have a seat around the fire pit, "Brie, Maggie, boys, there's soda in the fridge out in the garage for you guys. I stopped to get some. No beer for you, kids." He says.

I roll my eyes while pulling my skirt down as I notice where Seth's eyes are wandering. Nope, sorry, jack. No peeking tonight! "Well, thanks for looking out for us, D.," I respond as I playfully nudge his arm.

Mariah chimes in, "Ummm, it's not soda, it's pop!"

Dylan chuckles as he makes a gesture with his index and middle finger forming a V and inserts his tongue between them before answering, "The only place in the world that calls it pop is Ohio babe; you are in Mississippi now." She crosses her legs and flashes a shy smile in his direction as her cheeks flush. She covers her face with her hands, attempting to hide her embarrassment while shaking her head from side to side. A blind man could see the effect they have on each other.

The group roars with laughter before Dylan leans in to whisper into my ear, "Hey, are you okay? You seem like you are in a bad mood tonight. Is that little weasel nice to you?" He asks.

"I'm fine, bub; I think I had too much sun today. Maggie and I laid out for a while this afternoon. And so that you know, Jeb is always good to me; you don't have to worry about that. Not to mention I can handle my own, even if he wasn't. You don't need to be so over-protective," I whisper.

He smirks as he lifts his index finger to gently tap my nose," Yes, I can see that, kiddo. You know how I am though, I can't help but worry about you two girls out here dealing with these crazy, good for nothing boys just wanting to get in your pants. You remember, I used to be one of those boys before I met Ri. So I know what they think about."

I nod in agreement and sit silently for a few moments. I begin to fidget in my seat after noticing Seth's eyes are boring a hole through me. Feeling frustrated with Rachel sitting so close, I immediately hop up before I realize what I'm even doing, "Does anybody want a soda? I'm going to the garage."

Nate and Jeb shake their heads. Maggie responds, "Nah, I'm good, thanks."

Before turning around once more, I begin to walk away from the group, "Oh, Dylan, save my seat, would ya?" I ask jokingly.

He snickers as he pats the chair I was sitting in. I make a beeline directly for the garage because I need a minute to collect my thoughts. This fucking sucks to be in this position, having feelings for someone you know you shouldn't. His date is sitting right there; I mean, how am I supposed to handle myself with him undressing me with his eyes while she's right fucking there? Not to mention, I'm sandwiched between Jeb and Dylan while this is going on. I yank open the refrigerator door, hearing bottles clanging together as I pull it open with such force. Calm yourself, Brie! I audibly exhale before reaching down to grab a soda. It appears Dylan picked up a pack of Cokes, which is fine by me. I pop the tab and begin to slurp the icy cold beverage before being startled by a warm hand on my shoulder; I almost jump out of my skin as I nearly choke on my drink, "Hey, Brie."

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