Chapter 37 - The Call

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"For your information, I'm engaged, Patrick. Not that it's any of your business since we aren't together." I tell him. 

He snickers, "So you went and got engaged to the first schmuck who gave you some attention not even two weeks after we split up. Man, you must be desperate!" he says as he curls his lip. 

Oliver clears his throat to interrupt, "Patrick! Enough!"

"You know what, you son of a bitch! If anyone is a schmuck, it's you. How dare you refer to my fiance as a schmuck. You aren't even half the man he is. Hey, look, Patrick, there's a pretty blonde waitress over there; why don't you go chase her tail and leave us alone!" I scold him as I point to the waitress behind him. 

"So who is this guy? Do I know him?" He asks as he gently pushes my finger down, ignoring my snarky remark. 

"No, you don't. I dated him before I moved down here. I'm moving back to Laurel now. I'm only here to get my things and to turn in my apartment key."

"Man, two weeks, and you had no trouble moving on. You were probably fucking him while we were together then," he blurts out with a snarky undertone.  

I cross my arms, "Oh, you are talking out of your ass!"

He snickers, "God, I always knew you were a dirty whore! I should have known. You spread your legs wide open for me on our first date." 

Oliver slides out of the booth and abruptly stands, "Listen here, Patrick! I'm not going to sit here and watch while you disrespect a lady in front of me. You know you fucked up with this one; this is your own fault. Now, own up, accept the loss and leave her alone! Let's go!" 

Patrick slides out of the booth and storms off. The waitress approaches the table, "If you guys are going to fight, then you need to leave. You are causing a scene!" she orders. 

Oliver hands her his credit card, "Sorry about that, Miss. Please run my card; I'm paying their check. There will be no trouble."

The waitress takes his card and walks off. Stacy and I gaze up at Oliver with a look of shock across our face, "Oh my gosh! Oliver! You didn't have to do that!" I tell him. 

"Brie, I am so sorry that he acted that way towards you. He has been a mess the last two weeks since you guys split up. He knows he made a mistake. I was not raised to speak to women how he has spoken to you tonight, and I won't allow it to happen. Trust me, darlin, I will make sure that he's reminded of how bad he messed up going forward." He says. 

I cover my mouth with my hand, "Why are you friends with him? You are too good for him." 

He snickers, "I'm beginning to ask myself the same thing." He says. 

The waitress approaches the table and hands, Oliver the bill. He signs it and hands it back to her before placing his card in his wallet, "You ladies enjoy your evening." He says before walking away. 

"Oh, wow! I think that guy just made me straight for a few seconds. What a great guy! Men like him don't exist." Stacy blurts out. 

The two of us uproariously laugh before finishing our drinks and appetizers. Afterward, we decide to see a late movie at the cinema before she takes me home. I am sure going to miss this girl.  

Once the movie is over, she drives me home, "Well, don't be a stranger. If you should happen to be passing through town, you better call me." She tells me as she fidgets in her seat. 

"Good luck with Annalise. I wish you could move to Laurel with me. I'm going to miss you."

She chuckles, "I'm a free bird. It's not entirely out of the question. Who knows after I graduate." she says. 

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