Chapter 13 - Trust in Fate

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Seth's POV

"Are you really wanting to take me to get pizza?" she asks.

I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah? Is that okay?"

She flashes a grin in my direction. I watch as her hair whips wildly around her face, her blue eyes sparkling, "Yeah, that's fine with me. Aren't you afraid someone may see us?"

"Like who?"

"Dylan?" she asks. 

"Sweetheart, Dylan is busy taking care of Mariah. He just left my house right before you called me. Who cares if anyone sees us anyway. We just told your Momma what we were doing, and she was fine with it."

She leans over to kiss my cheek, "Well, alright," she responds. I wrap my arms around her as she lays her head on my chest. 

A few moments later, we arrive at the parking lot of Max's Pizzeria. We climb out of the truck and enter through the front door; I place my hands on the small of her back as we approach the hostess podium. The moment we walk in, we are blindsided at the familiar brown eyes glaring back at us. "Oh, hey, Rachel." I choke out. 

Her parents tiptoe around us and walk out of the front doors as she stands before us with her hands on her hips, "Oh, so this is why you won't return my calls, Seth," she blurts out with a snarky undertone. 

Brie clears her throat, "Would you like to join us?" she asks. 

A look of shock crosses my face. What in the world?

Rachel snickers, "No, thanks. I'd rather not have to be forced to watch you two together."

Brie rolls her eyes, "Rachel, don't be that way. Seth and I are just friends. He's like an older brother to me. I"m leaving for college tomorrow, and he's treating me to farewell dinner is all."

Suddenly, my stomach does flip flops, and I am overcome with emotion.   Does she really feel that way about me? Like a brother?

Rachel tucks her hair behind her ear, "Oh gosh, Brie,  I'm so sorry I acted that way. I don't need to join you two. I actually just finished eating with my parents. You guys have fun, don't let me ruin it for you," she says as she casually squeezes past us, exiting the restaurant. 

"Table for two?" the hostess chimes in.

I nod my head. 

"Okay, follow me," she responds.

Brie and I follow the hostess, where she leads us to a quiet booth towards the back of the restaurant. She places the menus in front of us, "Your waitress will be by shortly."

My entire body tenses as I look up to make eye contact with her, "Well, that was close." she says. 

I reach up to adjust my hat, "Brie, now I need to know. Please tell me you don't think of me as a brother type?"

"No! Of course not! I just told her that to avoid a confrontation."

"What do you think of me, then? I need to know where I stand." I ask bluntly. 

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you have feelings for me?" I ask. 

She doesn't say anything; I notice as tears begin to stream down her cheeks. She nods her head while looking down at her lap. I reach out for her hand, "Is that a yes?" I ask. 

She nods her head again. I reach into my pocket and pull out my handkerchief and hand it to her. She reaches out with one hand to wipe the tears from her eyes with my handkerchief while holding onto my hand with the other; her little fingers are like ice. 

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