Chapter 39 - Rehearsal Dinner

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Around 12:00 pm. Mariah and I gather the kids, grab lunch at a fast-food joint, and then take them back home to get ready for the rehearsal dinner at 6:00 pm. I have reservations for our party at Bella Luca Italian Restaurant. I throw on my cute light blue cocktail dress with a bow around the waist and my silver heels. I fix my hair, pulling it back into a loose bun. As I'm getting ready, I receive a call from Stacy at 4:00 pm. I pick up the call, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me. I made it to town, but I don't know how to get to where you are." 

"I'll just come to you. You can follow me to Mariah's house where we are staying tonight." I tell her. 

"Cool, I'm at the gas station on the corner of Plymouth and Sheffield." 

"Oh, okay. Give me ten minutes, and I'll be there." I tell her before disconnecting the call. 

I bid my boys farewell and take off down the road to meet Stacy. I spot her red Cavalier as I pull up to the gas station. I pull up next to her, "Hey Stac, follow me." I tell her. 

She nods and starts her car, following close behind me to Mariah's house. As we pull in, Dylan is pulling out in his truck. I wave to him in passing. Stacy pulls her car up right behind mine in the driveway. As we get out, she walks over to approach me, "Wow! You look so pretty, Brie!" she says. 

"Thanks, Stacy," I tell her. 

"Man Brie, you are glowing! Look at your skin!" She says in disbelief.

"Well, funny you should say glowing because I found out this morning I'm pregnant." 

She cringes, "Oh, man. Sorry. I have that reaction. I just imagine how much childbirth will hurt.  I don't want something the size of a watermelon coming out of my vagina. No thanks! Not for me, and I'm so glad I don't have to worry about some man knocking me up!" 

I chuckle, "How's Annalise?" I ask, attempting to change the subject.

She sighs, "Well, we broke up. She couldn't accept being gay, got all weird on me, and started dating Patrick. Can you believe that?"

My eyes wide, "Wow, I feel sorry for her." I tell her. 

"Me too! I know how that's going to end."  

"Well, I'm still gay, but I started hanging out with Oliver. Do you remember him?" she asks. 

"Oh yeah! I do remember him. He's so sweet!"

"Yes, he's a great guy. He and Patrick had a falling out after that little scene at the sports bar. We have fun together. I think he wants more, but I'm not ready to tell him that I'm gay. I don't know him well enough to tell him such personal things about me. So I'm focusing on just having fun right now. Eventually, I'm going to have to tell him." 

"Have you had sex with him?" I ask. 

"No, but we've gotten close. I just tense up so much. I'm so scared to tell him."

"Well, honey. I'm sorry you are in that position. I know you will do the right thing and tell him before it gets out of hand." I suggest as we walk up the front porch to Mariah's house. 

"Yeah, I have to." 

"Now listen, no cringe face when you see my cousin; she's about ready to pop anytime now," I warn her. 

She chuckles, "I promise." 

I knock, and Mariah answers a few seconds later, "Hey girls, come on in." she says as she pulls the door open for us.

Stacy and I walk inside. Georgia runs up and hides behind her Momma's leg, "Hey, beautiful girl. Come over here and meet my friend." I tell her. 

She slowly approaches me; I kneel in front of her, "Georgia, this is Brie's friend Stacy. Stacy, this is Georgia, my cousin Mariah's little girl." 

Candy Apple Red - Book TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora