1- New year, same me

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Y/n's pov

Why does it seem that waking up in the first day of school is so easy? Every year, first day of school comes and I just wake up at 6:30am like it's nothing. Smiling and excited, all that wonderful shit. But the day after that, I'm already dying the moment the alarm starts ringing after I hit the snooze button ten times.

I started being a sophomore that morning. That beautiful chilly morning that seemed like a Disney scene waiting for a random princess to sing. I was no princess, but I could sing so I sure did. Picked up my phone, opened Spotify and put my tunes loud and clear. I sang along to some edgy songs my parents hated as I packed heavy bricks also called books in my old backpack. Looking out the window I could already see people walking to their cars ready to drive to their shitty jobs. I sure couldn't wait until I was the one in their position.

But as I opened my wardrobe, the question in the back of my mind made itself known. What was I going to wear for the first day... Had to be special right? Something that screams "Sup. That's right, this is me, I ain't straight, I ain't popular and I certainly ain't social but at least I'm confident"
Didn't matter if it was a lie, what mattered is that I gave that vibe.

And what screamed that better than cuffed jeans with a white shirt with long sleeves tucked in with a black t-shirt on top? Just to add some spice I put my Kermit socks. My look was a mess, just like me.


Not that my dad would approve of it. As soon as I went downstairs there it was, the unnecessary snarky remark:

"You're going out like that?"

"Yes, why?"

"People are gonna think you're gay."

I rolled my eyes and sat in the seat next to him as my mom finished making some toasts.

"Ready for your first day Y/n?"


"Good! Now eat, if you go hungry you'll get grumpy." She sat in front of me and poured some coffee to both my dad and her.

I ate my toast, drank my chocolate milk and left the house. And then stood in front of the house waiting... Waiting for my dad to get the car so he could drive me to school. Yup, my dad drove me to school... Exciting.

One boring trip later and there I was, in front of that red building made to torture teenagers already going through a hard time with puberty. Ah, how little did I miss that place. The annoying bell sound welcomed me for the first time that year, making me dread the fact that it was going to become an habit again.

I entered the auditorium, as everyone else also did, for the welcome speech the principal always gave. I sat down next to my friends from last year and looked around the new faces. It was weird to be a sophomore and look at the new kids. Exactly an year ago I was in their position, scared and nervous to start a brand new year in a brand new school... Now I already saw the school as my second home. I already knew the secret hiding places, the lunch ladies' lifes, the teachers that did and didn't care about teaching, etc... It was also that first year that I met my friends, Tweek and Token. And also their friends, I guess. I didn't hang out much with them. They seemed so reckless... Deep down I think my anxiety made me feel that I wasn't "cool" enough for them, though Tweek did try to include me in their conversations.

Tweek was my best friend, at least I'd like to think that. I trusted him the most in the school, in fact, he was the first person I came out to. Of course it was easy because he was already out and dating someone so I knew he wouldn't judge me. Oh, how jealous I was of his relationship with his boyfriend Craig... Always kissing and hugging... But it seemed that Cupid did not like me, he laughed in my face full of acne and just left. Because of my non-existant love life, I started reading books to compensate. Not only the love part though, everything. Reading books made me run away from my boring life. And that was all I wanted.

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