2- vibe check

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"What are you doing here?" The boy asked.

"I was just reading..." I said quietly. There really wasn't much to it, I just liked reading in a nice quiet place I found. It was more normal than sleeping.

"But why here? I've never seen you here before."

"I just came here and thought it was a nice place."

"It really is isn't it?" He looked around with a smile. "When I first came here I thought I was dreaming ahah. And then a bit later I did literally start dreaming." He chuckled a bit. He sure was weird...

"So... You are?"

"Kenny." He put out his hand waiting for me to shake it. I stretched my arm to reach his and shook it.


"I don't remember seeing you around. Are you a freshman?" He took back his raspy hand and put it in his pocket.

"Sophomore. I'm friends with Tweek... You probably know him and his boyfriend, they're kind of popular"

"Oh, Tweek and Craig, yeah! I used to play with them when we were kids."

"How about you? You look older than me... I think" I noticed his chin with traces of a recently shaved beard.

"Oh, I'm older than you, yeah, I'm a Junior."


The awkward silence came back. I looked around for a bit searching for a topic to start conversation.

"What are you reading?" He came closer and tried reading the cover of my book. He tilted his head completely. I quickly closed the book and showed him the cover.

"Kafka on the shore. You probably don't know it..."

"No... What's it about? I like the kitty on the cover." He casually sat down next to me. I was a bit surprised but just let it slide.

"It's about this guy that runs away from home. It also tells the story of an incident that happened in a grade school I think? I'm just in the beginning though, I still don't know much..." Mentally, I punched myself for giving such a shitty description of what the book actually was about. The author would have killed me if he heard those words.

"Where does the kitty come in?"

"Hmm?" I asked a bit confused.

He pointed at the black cat in the cover.

"Oh, yeah, the cat." I looked at the big black cat with bright green eyes staring at me. "He's a character in the story, he talks to the boy sometimes to give him advices and opinions."

"Sounds dope. I wish animals talked to me. It sure would make things less boring."

"You have pets?" I asked.

"Not really. Though I give food to some rats that show up around my house sometimes."

I raised my eyebrows confused. I expected a punch line or something but it was just that. I brushed it off still not understanding.

"Anyways, what are you-"


The bell rang before I could finish my question. He looked up as if he could see the bell sounds in the air.

"Oh, that's the bell." He said getting up.

"Yup, I know." I put my book inside my backpack and got ready to leave. I looked up and saw him leaning down holding his hand out. I stopped for a moment not understanding what he wanted and then realised he was going to help me up. I held his hand and he pushed me up with incredible strength. I stuttered at the unexpected kind act:


"I'll see ya tomorrow." He left and closed the door, leaving me to my thoughts in that empty room.


"...What just happened..." I noticed my cheeks were warm. I didn't understand why and that made me angry. Everything about that boy was so weird, the way he talked and moved, his whole vibe... it was so chill, so comfortable... It was like he didn't know what "awkward" meant. He just kept on talking even though the conversation was so dry...



The bell rang a second time. I was definitely going to be late. I picked up my backpack and left that magical room.

I sprinted out of the gym and into the hallways, now half empty with all the students entering their classes. Once I arrived, very late, the teacher rolled his eyes to me and signalled me to enter. I shamefully sat down in a table near the back of the class.

During class I kept thinking back to the strange interaction with that blonde kid. His light blue eyes and messy freckles didn't get out of my head. The way his dirty blonde hair fell on top of his eyebrows and his mouth naturally formed a little curve on the sides. His tired eyebags... It was apparent he didn't get much sleep at night, nor did he during the day. And his hands....

Oh his hands. So weird. So raspy and full of scars. But so nice to touch. Contrasting with their robust touch, the way he held my hand was very soft. His fingers so slim and long, all around my hand... Such a weird sensation...


"What?" I looked up, completely lost on what was happening.

"Are you even paying attention? Read the text!" The teacher gave me a look while the rest of the class looked at me waiting.

"What text, sir?" I asked quietly.

"Page 24! The second paragraph! Pay attention for Christ's sake."

"Sorry..." I opened the page and started reading extremely self-conscious.

I really spaced out because of a random dude because he shook my hand... Puberty was worse than I thought...

Outside the class, Token came talk to me.

"Hey, ignore the teacher. He's always pissed at everyone." He put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I appreciated the intention but I didn't need it.

"It's fine, I don't care much. As long as I get good grades he won't bother me much."

"Not better than my grades though, sorry to disappoint." He smirked and gave me a challenging look.

"Sure my boy, if you prefer to fool yourself like that..."

Me and Token were the best students in our class. We always had a bit of a competition going on to see who had better grades. It was basically what our friendship was. We didn't talk much but when we did it was either about grades or school. That's how I knew the friends would be temporary, when we only talked about school. I could find some common interests with Tweek and chat with him, but with Token, we had almost nothing in common that I knew of. Who knows, maybe we actually liked the same things and the same books, but we just never tried actually discussing it. It was easier to just talk shit about teachers and complain about homework.

Sleeping Dork | Kenny X male reader | South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now