6- Halloween's coming to town

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My stomach complained loudly as soon as the bell rang. Lunch time had finally come.

I followed Tweek and Craig to the cafeteria while chatting with Token. He seemed to be in a good mood, talking a lot. Suddenly, Craig stopped walking and stood still looking at the floor.

"What? What's wrong?" Tweek stopped too. Everyone stopped looking back at Craig.

Tweek came closer to Craig and desperately held on to him.

"Did something happen? Don't play with me, tell me what's wrong!"

I noticed Token and Clyde pull out something out of their backpacks while Tweek was distracted with Craig. They both grabbed one big paper each. One read "will you" and the other "be my date?"

I looked at them confused. Then I noticed Craig getting up slowly and turning Tweek around, who immediately put his hands on his mouth with shock and blushed intensely.

"Babe!" He shrieked.

When he turned around again, Craig was on his knee with a rose in his hand. He didn't talk, he just looked at Tweek with his monotonous expression.

"OMG YES!!!" Tweek jumped to hug him while Token and Clyde cheered, along with some random students that happened to walk by at the right moment.

"What's happening?" I whispered to Token.

"Halloween ball"

"School's doing a ball? After last year's disaster?"

"Yeah, they're going to clean the cafeteria and do it there."

"Oh wow"

"Guys." Clyde called out for us. The lovebirds were already on their way to the cafeteria holding hands.

"Sorry" Token apologized. We started walking behind them.

After getting our foods and sitting down, the topic of the Halloween ball came up again.

"So, who are you guys going with?" Tweek asked curious.

"Bebe" Clyde answered with no hesitation. We all knew Bebe. She was the hot girl in the other class that every straight dude wanted to date, or more specifically, fuck. She actually had pretty good grades and seemed like a decent girl, but dudes would just stare at her boobs and call it a day. It didn't surprise me that Clyde wanted to go with her.

"Good luck with that, I heard she's going with Kyle" Token replied back.

"Kyle? Pffft-" Clyde burst into laughter. "Kyle's a nerd, she doesn't like those types of guys"

'Better than you' I thought to myself. His attitude pissed me off, such a weirdly confident attitude for such a dislikeable guy. Always thinking of girls, always horny.

"How about you, big boy?" Clyde looked at Token. He looked at me for a bit and then looked around playing with his fingers.

"I don't think I'm going with anyone really. I'll just go with you guys, as friends you know?"

I tried to ignore the fact that he looked at me before saying that and just thought of what my answer would be. But lucky me, I didn't even need to answer, because no one asked me. They started eating and I looked at them all in shock.

"Yeah, I don't have a date either" I said out loud a bit angry.

"Oh, don't take it the wrong way but we thought you weren't going." Tweek hurried to justify himself.

"Why wouldn't I go?" I asked genuinely confused.

"You don't strike me as the outgoing type. Going to a ball full of people doesn't seem like the type of thing you'd do" Clyde answered.

"I mean, yeah... But this is different. I'd go with you guys."

"Right..." Clyde avoided eye contact. I looked at him disgusted, his attitude once again pissed me off.

"Yeah, you'll come with us! We'll meet in the school entrance half an hour before it starts. Huh?" Token looked around waiting for answers while holding a big excited smile.

"Yeah, sounds good"



We all agreed, each with different levels of excitement.

I hurried to finish my food and leave the awkward ambience that took place over the place. I excused myself and headed to the gym with a new-found excitement. I was imagining what outfit Kenny would wear on Halloween. He'd look great as a zombie, wouldn't need any make up. But he would also look stunning as Dracula. No homo but I'd love to spend eternity with him as stupid vampires.

I didn't know what was making me so happy but I couldn't stop humming songs and boping my head as I made my way down the halls. When I got the storage room I breathed in and entered more calm.


He was still asleep, obviously. Knowing that I had to be quiet made it harder to stay still. I was hiding a laughter with my hands as if I was a child who had just done a bad thing for the first time. I shook my head quickly and slapped my left cheek. It seemed to stop the noise but not the smile. I sat down in my usual spot impatient for the boy behind me to wake up. I moved my leg up and down while playing with the cover of my book. I kept imagining funny outfits for Kenny and me. It was probably my self-centred mind that just convinced me that we'd be going together.

In-between small giggles and snorts, a curious voice interrupted me.

"What's this? You can laugh?" He smirked while looking down at me. He was laying his head on his arms, tilting it slightly.

"Shut up" I shot back embarrassed but still smiling.

"So, what gives?" He sat down next to me.

"Oh you know..." In my head it was painfully clear that he'd be going to the ball with me.

"Ahah... I don't?" He chuckled confused. Then his voice got more serious "Wait, are you drunk?"

"No!" I looked confused at him.

"Oh..." He calmed down. Never had I seen him so worried and scared at the same time. I brushed it off quickly though.

"There's going to be a Halloween ball next week."

"But the gym is still fucked"

"Yeah, they decided to empty the cafeteria and do it there."

"Oh ... Cool." He didn't look very excited. "I'm guessing you have a date then?"

"What? No!" I replied almost offended.

"Then why are you so happy?" He asked even more confused.

Then the embarrassment hit me. My cheeks grew red and my mouth dried up. I had forgotten that I had to ASK him first if he wanted to be my date.

"Are you going with anyone?" I looked away trying my best to be subtle.

"Nope, I'm probably not even going..."

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