4- I suck at apologies

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I looked at Tweek from across the classroom. I picked on the skin of my fingers while shaking my leg nervously. I just needed to apologize... Hell, I hated apologizing. But for what it's worth, I still had enough common sense to know when I had to do it.

I rolled a little paper ball in my hand, pointed at his blonde messy head, aimed carefully and THROW!


"Tweek, is everything okay back there?" The teacher asked. Everyone in the class looked back at him in silence.

"Y-yes teacher... Sorry"

"Okay then. Keep quiet please"

The teacher turned around and everyone started chatting again. He looked at me with a confused face. I mouthed him "sorry" and signalled him that I wanted to talk. He rolled his eyes and nodded. The bell rang and he came to my seat.

"What is it?" His annoyed voice asked.

"Wait, let's go somewhere more private." I grabbed his hand and took him down the busy hall.

"Why? Is it serious?" I felt a bit of anxiety in his voice even though he wanted to look angry.

"Here." I stopped at a quiet corner near some empty classrooms. "So..."

"So? What is it?" He asked impatiently.

"Well..." I looked around aimlessly, hoping that he would understand what was going on and I didn't have to actually say it.

"What?" He asked louder.

"I wanted to tell you something, because of yesterday."

"Yes?" He refused to say anything else, forcing me to do it...

"I shouldn't have exploded on you like that..."

"Yeah, and?"

"And.... I'm sorry..." I almost whispered the last part. Tweek chuckled and shook his head.

"Was that so hard?"

"Fuck you" I looked away embarrassed.

"You're so cute!" Tweek laughed even more while poking my red cheeks.

"Ughhhhh" I snapped his hand away and hid in my hoodie.

"Ahahah, where are you going?" Tweek laughed more and more at my reaction. I couldn't control it.

"I'm leaving, fuck you."

"Oh come on, you're just so adorable!"

I speed-walked away from him, lost in my thoughts. When I came back to my senses I noticed I was in front of the gym's storage door. I sighed.

"Ugh whatever..." I opened the door.

I stood in the entrance of the quiet room stiffly for some moments, thinking if it was worth it.

Well, I cared more about reading my book in peace than I did if some random dude would act all proud and mighty.

I sat in my usual place and opened my book not even looking back. I began reading the sentences but could never finish them, I found myself always looking to the side to see if he was already up. I just wanted to concentrate on my book but I couldn't, the constant thought that he could wake at any moment and give me that stupid smirk frustrated me. I just wanted to get it over with.

But I waited... And waited... And eventually gave up. I sighed, put my book down and took some deep breaths. It was like I was having my own private yoga class. I relaxed with the sounds of my breathing and the silence around me.

"Mornin' bud."

"AH! For fuck- You scared me!"

The boy chuckled with his head down.

"What is the runaway boy doing today?" He sat next to me like it was a normal thing and looked at my book expecting me to resume what had happened since last time. I rolled my eyes and started talking.

"The boy just arrived in a new town and-" While I was talking, he yawned loudly and then looked at me again expecting me to continue.


"... Right ... So he just got there and he has basically no money"

I continued explaining the story surprisingly with no interruptions. He just looked at me with tired eyes and a dumb smile. I could see that he really didn't care about the story itself, but I had no idea what to do besides just continue. I couldn't comprehend his actions. He acted friendly but at the same time he didn't actually care. Was it a defense mechanism? If he didn't care why did he bother to talk in the first place?


"Oh, that's the bell." He got up putting one of his backpack's straps on his shoulder. I closed the book and put it in my backpack a bit sad. But then I looked up and noticed his hand in my direction.

"Oh- again... Sure I-?" I slowly went to grab his hand.

"Thanks I guess" He pushed me up with an incredible force that made me jump in place. Then he smiled and ruffled my hair softly. I stood still surprised.

"Well, I'll see ya." He waved before leaving the room.

"Bye!" I replied, but he had already left. I felt my cheeks grow hotter. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"

I made my way to class, stiff as a rock as my head tried to process what had just happened. He was so weird! Just, everything he did! Why?!

It's hard admitting it but I did spend the rest of the day thinking about him. I found that the image of his eyes staring at me was glued in my memory for some reason. Those light blue eyes with big dark bags under them. So unique.

So annoying that I couldn't stop thinking about it. The subtlety of his existence made me curious. Different from anyone I'd ever known. I was decided, I would find out what his deal was. Why he was so different. Either he smoked a lot of pot or he was extremely depressed.

"What's your deal, huh?" I asked out loud... In front of my mirror. I looked at my face carefully. "Hey! Yes you, random blonde guy that has soulless eyes! WHAT IS YOUR DEAL?!"

"Everything okay in there?" I heard my dad's voice from the other side of the door. I quickly stopped and went back to studying.

"Everything's good!" I hid my red cheeks in my books. Stupid, stupid me.

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