The First Cawthon

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In the beginning, there was nothing. Nothing but Cawthon, a lone creature in an infinite void of nothing. It is unknown how long there was nothing, maybe there was never nothing, but what we do know, is that Cawthon created the first something. He successfully created the first universe, though imperfect, and worked over millennia to make it absolute perfection. But, he knew that something was missing... Something... Something... 

Life. And so, Cawthon created 10 tribes and gave each one a part of his power, giving each tribe their own type of power. Today, this power is known simply as Energy, of course, Cawthon was the only one who possessed the sacred Cawthon Energy. Then Cawthon expanded, creating the multiverse dimension by dimension until he was satisfied. The load of managing all the dimensions proved to be too much for Cawthon alone, so he created an 11th tribe, the Mystics, and gave them control over the dimensions. 

For a long time, there was peace and utter perfection. But then they came; from all of the good, the bad came as a byproduct. The Nightmares were birthed from that darkness, and the moment Cawthon laid eyes on them, he could sense their limitless potential for evil. 

However, instead of killing them, he set them aside, giving them their own land separate from the rest of the tribes. This proved to be the correct choice, as, within a couple of years, the Nightmares had completely sucked the life out of the land they inhabited and demanded more, which Cawthon granted them. This continued for far too long, the Nightmares multiplying and sucking the life out of their land faster and faster, until Cawthon made a deal with the Nightmares. He told them he would replenish their land once every year and that if they learned to behave themselves, he'd bless them with gifts; however, if they did not learn to behave themselves, he would eventually stop replenishing them altogether. 

Unfortunately, the Nightmares were too arrogant to come to terms with this and continued to suck the life out of their land faster and faster. Eventually, Cawthon had enough, and, as he promised, stopped replenishing them. The Nightmares began to die out until one Nightmare discovered something: their energy. Nightmare Energy, unlike the others, was purely destructive, serving no practical purpose other than killing. The Nightmares rose up against Cawthon, and after many years, managed to kill the god, as well as the mystics.

Cawthon's death caused a create imbalance in the multiverse, causing cataclysmic events on an hourly basis. After Cawthon's death, the Nightmare's conquered the rest of the world and eventually began to seep into other dimensions. For a long time, all hope seemed lost until another tribe rose against them. The god's death had caused his energy to disperse across the multiverse, and from his energy formed a new being, with Cawthon's sacred energy. They fought back the Nightmares, and in the end, sacrificed themselves to revive Cawthon, who drove the Nightmares a corner. 

Peace was restored for a little, before the Nightmares rose up again, killing the new Cawthon, but not before he made a promise: Every time a Cawthon dies, another shall be born, so when the Nightmares rise again, so shall Cawthon; and when they rise once again, so shall Cawthon. And it was so. 

This cycle continues to this day, as well as the war, in secret. 

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