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"Well," she pushes me forward, motioning me towards the tour group, "off you go!"

You stumble, but turn to her. "Wait! You're not going with me?"

"Awww! You're going to miss me? Sorry darling, I have work too you know."

A sigh escapes your lips as you and her part ways. You head towards the small group that was lead by a man with blond hair styled to reach the skies. He was loud, you could clearly hear what he was saying from your distance.

"ALL RIGHT EVERYONE! WE'VE GOT A NEWCOMER! LET'S GREET THEM!" He even pointed in your direction.

. . ? !

They all unenthusiastically turned to you and muttered what was supposed to be a greeting. But amidst them you find a familiar head of white hair, and blue eyes.

"Hazaki..?" You didn't mean to voice that out.

"Ah, it's been a while Shuzenji-san!" He gives that same smile.

He was friendly like always, and it seemed that he'd forgotten the event from a year ago. You could feel that familiar feeling in your chest, the butterflies taking over your stomach, and your face getting hot. Almost like, you were still in love with him...

Even when he rejected me so harshly... I can't stop my heart from beating..!

You try your best not to turn into jelly as you joined the group.


During the tour, you just couldn't concentrate. Your brain doesn't process the areas that you visit, nor does any of the words Present Mic screamed in your ears. It was because of Hazaki, he would talk to you, sneak in winks, smiles, and laughs whenever he could. 

They were all for you

That kept you thinking, and your heart racing. You were hopeless. 

Just when you thought you've rid of Cloud Boy from your head after that incident, he just had to pop up here, out of all places. Just when you felt ready to move on after that rejection...

You were just not sure anymore.

Perhaps you still loved him, or you needed time to get over him. But some part of you felt rebellious, like you wouldn't give up on him. Something about his actions told you that he maybe changed his mind, and that you could get a second chance.

"ALL RIGHT KIDDOS! THIS PLACE IS THE CAFETERIA AND—" he checks the time— "IT'S LUNCHTIME! I'LL CATCH YOU ALL RIGHT AFTER!" Then he flashily but stylishly runs away.

You follow the rest as they go through the doors.


Lunch Rush gives you a thumbs up, which you return, before leaving with food on your tray. As you looked for where to sit, you spot a hand waving, it was Hazaki. You were weak and nervous, but your body managed to take the seat next to him. You mentally panic, asking yourself why you decided to sit this close to him.

You could clearly see the white wisps surrounding the top of his head, and felt some of his body heat. The thought of him pulling you and tightly hugging you to his chest made you feel really hot...

"This is Shuzenji-san. I've known her since elementary," he introduces, breaking you from daydreaming.

You were late to notice that there was three girls sitting across from him, all slightly glaring at you. They were angry that you were able to sit right next to Hazaki.

"Oh? Is that so?" One sarcastically says.

The grip you had on your spoon shook slightly as you brought the curry to your mouth.

. . .

"It's been so long since I've seen you... You've gotten prettier!" He compliments, causing the other girls to frown.

You almost choke. "T-Thank you..." That was all you could say. 




The girls couldn't take it anymore.

They stood from their seats and went to grab your arm, pulling you with them. "Excuse us, Hazaki-kun! We need the restroom!"

"Okay! I'm happy you guys are getting along."

They leave and before you could say anything, the girl that gripped you used her quirk to slightly burn your arm. "Say anything and we'll make your life hell."


They took you far into some barren hallway, and cornered you with enraged faces. This way was obviously not to the restrooms.

"Ever since you came, Hazaki-kun has been treating us like useless side bitches!" The other two nod in agreement.

You glare at them, not knowing why they put their anger on you for it. "That's not my fault! Why won't you ask Hazaki-san about it?!"

They growl at your obliviousness. "You don't get it! Ugh!"

One of them brought out a hand, the nails grew and thickened, they were like little blades. Your eyes widen.

She smirks. "We have to fix things ourselves then."

Another formed a fist, it started to turn steam and redden. "Get ready, bitch."

You scowl, knowing you were in a really bad position.

Her nails went for your head, which you barely dodged, and it left a scratch on your left cheek. A heated fist went for the other side, but you grab her forearm to redirect her power to the wall. For the few seconds that they were shocked, you slid under their forms to run away.

"Shit! She's getting away!"

Running through the unfamiliar halls, you felt regret for not paying attention during the tour. You look behind you and find that they were catching up.

The plan you had now was to find the exit, hopefully lead them to the parking lot and restrain them safely with your quirk.


You grab edges to quickly turn corners and gain some distance, but they were relentless, they easily caught up. One of them readies their quirk, her long blade-like nails grew a bit more to reach you.

"Stop... running..!" She says, almost out of breath.

She raises her hand before striking it down. You quickly undo the jacket on your waist and brought it up to block the attack, stopping it from damaging your head. Her nail blades cut through the fabric, but they were dull enough to get stuck. You release the jacket, forcing that one girl to separate from the other two.

"Ugh! You guys go ahead!"

You now had to deal with those heated fists, and that other girl with an unknown quirk. That move earlier really closed the gap, they were practically on your tail. You could feel the heat radiating from her fists, inching closer to your neck.

Maybe if I turn more corners—


You collide with something firm. 


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