eighteen ━ usj arc

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You were the last to walk into the bus, together with Aizawa. Midoriya notices you.

"Oh! Shuzen—"

And then your costume.

(  . . .  )

Other students were silently looking at you as well, and you knew that. Their gazes pummeled your esteem like a poor boxing match. Your rabbit ears droop as you covered your red face with your hands. It's true that you felt confident after Aizawa's encouragement, but you just couldn't look at anyone yet. 

She did say something about her costume during lunch... Midoriya remembers.

While still refusing eye contact, you spoke, "H-Hello everyone..! I'll be joining you all s-since Rescue is a part of my curriculum..." 

Why the hell am I stuttering..! You complained. 

Though what you said wasn't the full truth. The main reason why you followed was to be a chaperone with the teachers. With your experience of rescue from the entrance exam, you proved to be quite an asset to the whole school.

"Also... P-Please stop looking at me..!" 

It was difficult for some to stop staring, since your skin-tight suit showed off your adorable body. Mineta was shamelessly ogling your ass, which encourages you to kick him so hard that he'll bounce off the walls before breaking through a window. You're sure he would survive. 

You take the empty seat next to Todoroki, since he was the only one not sneaking glances. You felt calm and cool beside him. He appeared to be sleeping, with his eyes closed and head resting on the seat, using the time to take a short nap. 


You zoned off by staring at the ceiling, though you could still hear them talk. Their conversation was a bit unintelligible, something about quirks you believe, yet your brain refuses to translate it fully. Though you honestly could care less. 

"How about Shuzenji?" Ashido. 

Your rabbit ears perk up. 

"Yeah! She really gives off that feeling, y'know?" Kirishima. 

"Her quirk could be really flashy too!"

"With her body, she can—" 

"You don't need to say anything, Mineta."



(  . . .  )


. . ?

"Hey. Wake up." 


Someone grabs your right shoulder and gently shakes it. Each push slowly pulls you out of your dreams. Your vision clears, and so does other senses. Todoroki waits patiently for you to awaken while the others are leaving the bus in an orderly fashion. You jump out of your seat, feeling guilty for holding him up for who knows how long. 

You lower your head apologetically. "I'm very sorry..!" 

He walks out, still keeping that calm expression. "It's okay." 

You followed him out the bus, and then joined everyone gathered at the entrance. The Space Hero, Thirteen, leads us further into the building. It appears to be an amusement park at first, but on closer inspection, no rides are to be seen. Coincidentally it's called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ.

The man-made disasters are in separate and contained locations, so there is no need to worry about two kinds colliding. The variety of terrains get you excited— especially where the dilapidated buildings are— enough to make you forget your appearance. You unconsciously activate your quirk.

Connecting with the floor, you bounced like you were on a trampoline. Can we start already?!

The students took a step away from you, not wanting to get caught in your quirk. But you couldn't help it, to find an area solely focused on rescue training was exactly what you needed in your studies. You began to think the school is competent after all. 

Alas, Thirteen began a long lecture about how quirks can be dangerous, which was something you've thought about way too much. It's not that you refused to listen, it's because you're haunted by this reminder everyday. You're highly aware of how thin a line that rests between heroes and villains.

Still, it's great that U.A. greatly emphasizes it... 

Aizawa calls you with a finger, you walk up with a curious hum.

He starts giving you instructions. "Since Thirteen and I don't have the mobility like you do, I want you to watch over the ruins and landslide zones. Then after a few minutes, the students would rotate..."

You gave a playful salute, your rabbit ears standing tall. "Affirmative."

He then turns to the rest. "Alright then, first—"

BRRR RRrrr... 

. . ?

The lights that encircled the glass covering of USJ go off. The fountain at the central plaza acts irrationally instead of shutting down. You stare at a strange dark orb that seems to expand.

"What is that...?" You whisper. 

Aizawa's eyes widen when he finds a hand appear. "Gather together and don't move!" He demanded. "Thirteen, protect the students!"

From the large dark mass, multiple unfamiliar figures appear. You're a bit slow to realize. "Don't tell me..!" 

The students are still confused. "Don't move!" Their teacher repeats, he puts on his goggles. "Those are villains." 

This timing..! It can't be a coincidence, right..? You clench your fists. Could it be tied to that incident earlier..?

Aizawa puts a hand on your shoulder, pulling you to gather with the rest. "Stay back."

You could hear a mob approaching, all they had to do to was go up the steps and find the students at the entrance. With the power malfunctioning earlier, the security must be bugged. You put a hand to your headset, pressing a hidden button for communication. 

A robotic voice resembling Lia's sounds in your ear. "Connections are not yet set up, please set one up now."

You cursed under your breath, remembering that the handbook said something similar. Next, you tried catching radio signals. Your rabbit ears erratically faced in all directions of where they sensed a signal, but all you could hear was complex static, it would be a waste of time trying to decipher the bits you may hear. After turning it off, your ears drooped in disappointment and frustration. 

Well, fuck. 

Maybe if you put most of your attention on the functionality of your hero costume instead of stressing over the design, you would be able to call for some help. Yet you knew those mistakes had to be left; you had to find what you could do now. 

Aizawa wanted the students to evacuate with the guidance of Thirteen, implying that he'll handle the mob by himself. This means one teacher less in their group. You felt uneasy at how quick this situation was escalating to, and knowing how accurate your gut is, it leaves you restless.

Please let this end well..!


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