Do they dance with you

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Anytime he can he will dance with you, it doesn't matter who's around. He loves slow dancing too, but also loves just watching you dance around a circle at festivals.

He's not one to dance often, but loves watching you dance at festivals. He dances with you sometimes at the taverns though.

Doesn't like dancing, and will dance with you maybe a few times either at festivals or at a celebration for winning the war.

Also not a dancer, but dances with you at inns or festivals. He doesn't like slow dances, despite being super soft and affectionate. He says it feels awkward to him.

Only at a ball if the two of you are invited to one

Hates any kind of slow dancing or anything that can be considered fancy. He will dance anywhere though, as long as there is music.

All the time. He loves dancing with you, especially during balls or festivals because he likes everyone to know that he loves you.

Doesn't seem like he loves to dance but if it's only the court in the area he will. He mainly does this because he wants to make sure that they all know that you are not to be messed with because if they hurt you they aren't going to live to see the next morning.

She likes to dance, but only slow dancing. The only reason she even knows how to dance is because her mother taught her.


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