Tullius x reader

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"If you don't make it out of here so help me I'm burning the whole city down." I was ten times more worried than I probably should have been. This man survived the Great War and kept fighting. A small rebellion shouldn't have been as worrying as it was for me.
"The city is made completely of stone." He chuckled, taking a step forward to kiss my forehead. I kept thinking about what could happen. Of course the stormcloaks main goal would be to defend their city, but next would be killing him.
"Then I'm going down with you."
"No you aren't." He answered quickly, still holding me against his chest. "I would rather die knowing you're alive than live knowing you died for me." It was a little uncomfortable to be resting my head against his armor, but comforting nonetheless. It took his almost a week of being being an absolute ass about it for him to even let me come to windhelm, and maybe a drink or two to get him to let me fight. And we were lucky he did, because we likely would have lost if durnehviir didn't keep swinging down and flinging people. I found this very entertaining, rikke found this mildly concerning.
The palace of kings was probably the most nerve racking experience of the day. I knew our target was Ulfric, but they had three targets, we had two. We had one over the other, and they had the same system. I wasn't surprised when Galmar came right after me, I was just as strong on my own as I was with others. The last time I was anywhere near him was when we had to debate a peace at high hrothgar, which was equally as nerve racking because the fate of the whole world was in my hands.
He got me in the side and I fell to the ground, but managed enough time to use unrelenting force, and hit him against the wall. I wasn't sure if he was dead or unconscious, but it didn't matter, suddenly all eyes were on me. Ulfric has a look in his eyes I don't think I'll ever forget. He knew this was coming, he knew what was about to happen, and he knew what had just happened. He also looked angry, and sad. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling. I agreed with him, that was the problem.The thalmor needed to be stood up to, but Skyrim wasn't the place to do it. We were all struggling, and we needed stability. You don't gain stability from an unstable war, and unstable leader, and an unstable motive.
Rikke was the one to make the blow that got him on his knees. I could tell she was just as angry and saddened as he was. They knew eachother, I just never got to know what their relationship was. That was something she hated talking about. Sometimes I wondered if they were together at some point, but I don't think that was the case.
I stood up, despite the fact I was still bleeding. I had suffered worse before, and lived through it. I wasn't scared of blood loss, I was the damn dragonborn.

Directly after Ulfric was killed Tullius took me by the shoulders and looked me over for any other injuries, completely disregarding the fact that rikke just said "talos be with you" honestly I don't think he even processed what she said, and it was probably a good thing. I knew I originally planned to say something similar. Talos was one of my ancestors, and I knew he was somewhere. And definitely not sovengarde, I probably would have seen him there.
"Are you alright?" He asked as I cupped his cheeks with my hands.
"Calm down." I half smiled at him. "I'm fine."
"You're injured."
"You've watched me fall off a dragon, this is nothing."

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