One Vice for Another

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I walked around Marshall's house looking for him, hearing music coming from his gym gave his position away, peeking around the corner I came across the sight I had inconveniently gained a liking too.

Marshall in nothing but silky basketball shorts sweats running down his defines muscle hitting the boxing bag.

The way his muscles reacted with every punch, his posture crouched slightly.

I bit my lip.

I pulled myself back around the corner out of sight, leaning against the cool wall.

Jesus Christ.

"Harley" Audry's voice came, startling me, I stepped forward, placing my hand over her mouth, walking back towards the kitchen.

"Were you just spying on him?" She said amused expression playing on her lips.

"No I...I... I was looking for him to tell him something and... I don't know, I got distracted, shut up"

She gave me a knowing smile "Don't think I haven't noticed your weird sexual tension"

"There is no weird sexual tension, that's absurd," I said turning to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Please, you haven't had sex since you came sober, I'm assuming he's the same, trust me, it's off the charts"

"You're no being a very good manager"

"I'm your friend too, just be careful, whatever you guys do,"

"He kissed me"

"Well that's happened a few times, you kinda gotta look like a couple right"

"We were alone"

"Oh well, like I said there is a load of sexual tension"

I thought to myself.

I was about to continue and tell her how much I had liked it but Marshall casually strolled onto the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and skulling from it.

Towel around his neck, still only in his silky shorts.

"Hey" He said once he had swallowed the water "Sup Auds"

"Hey Marshall, looking good"

"I know, you should tell this one that, she practically groans every time I'm shirtless like it's a big issue"

"You're always shirtless," I said trying to keep myself composed and not turning a shade of red.

"Anyway I came to confirm your next few public appearances for the label, Paul will call you later Marshall" Audry smiled sliding the envelope in front of me "Think of it as a dossier, if you have any questions Harley call me, I'll catch up with you tomorrow, have fun kids" She then waved at the both of us and left.

"Busy Tonight?" Marshall said, still standing on the other side of the island, skin still dewy from the sweat, and rippling slightly as he breathed.

"No, I was just going to write, I've finished the last song, just waiting on feedback"

"One of the guys have invited me out and it's at the club, wanna come?"

I thought for a moment, standing up.

Out with Marshall in front of his friends acting like a couple.


"Great" He said as he walked past me, slapping my ass hard, then yelling over his shoulder "Were leaving at 8"

I stared after him as his bare back left the room.


"Honestly I ain't never seen country music so fine"

I look to Marshall, who smirks and rolls his eyes,

"Thank you"

"Please, call me Ryan" Royce said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and continued to slur "I still can't believe he kept your ass hidden from us for a whole ass year"

"Yeah, that's him, full of secrets" I said with an amused smile.

"Man step off my girl, you're hanging over her like a dog in heat" Marshall said and shoved Royce'arm off me.

"Alright big dawg, chill, I ain't here to steal your girl"

Marshall snorted "As if you could with your drunk ass anyways"

Royce chuckled and raised his hands turning back to me "You'd have to be one hell of a woman to put up with this ones shit, like a mother fuckin pitbull or some shit"

Marshall just waved him off nodding to someone walking past, I leaned up against the wall, overwhelmed by the smell of alcohol, realizing I had been fighting the urge to grab a drink that has passed on trays.

"I'm gonna go get another drink, I'll catch you later" I nodded and Royce dabbed Marshall, walking off in the direction of the bar, but getting stopped by someone yelling for his attention on the way.

I zoned out on the club around us, thinking how bad it would be if I was to have one drink.

Before we left I had a rather stressful phone call from my mother demanding to come to visit to make sure Marshall's house was suitable for me to live in.

I had forgotten I eat all day again and I was starving and memory was reminding me that the alcohol made the hinge pants disappear.

Suddenly I was caged in by a set of arms on either side of my head and blue eyes staring into mine.

"You ok?"

I nodded, now filled with another urge.

"You sure? Coz you're looking at that drink so hard on sure you're about to inhale it with your eyes"

I bit my lip and his eyes dropped down to them then back up to my eyes, leaning in and kissed me hard.

The urge to drink the alcoholic drink now gone and was replaced by the urge to be touched.

I was surely going crazy.

My head felt woozy by the mix of lack of food and the desire.

I placed my hand on the back of his neck pulling him to deepen the kiss, feeling one hand slide down to my waist pulling his body into mine.

This was such a bad idea.

But it felt good.

His scent filled my senses as his tongue ran across my bottom lip, then slipped on my mouth, I was losing myself and getting lost again as I felt his other hand move to my ribs, gripping me, thumb running over the bare skin of my cut out bodycon dress.

We broke apart, eyes still staring into mine, a darkened shade of blue, he was breathing quite heavily.

He bit lip this time as he looked around frantically, almost as if he was struggling to keep his composure, before licking his slightly swollen lips, and looking back to me.

"You wanna head home?"

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