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"stop at the university, they've gotta have a radio in there somewhere

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"stop at the university, they've gotta have a radio in there somewhere." soohyun pointed as we came closer to it.

we exited the car swiftly, running into the university and checking every possible place where there could be a radio.

"doesn't every university have like a broadcasting system?" hanbin asked as we looked around.

"where would the radio room be then?" soohyun sighed.

we all stopped when we heard a noise, faint chattering was heard in the distance, we weren't alone.

"we have to go, hurry up." hanbin rushed. we all quietly ran through the school, looking around to find the radio room.

"mom! is that it?" hyejin pointed to the sign that said "broadcasting room". I smiled, "that's it."

we all ran to it, soohyun put his ear to the door, listening for zombies. "all clear." he whispered.

he opened the door, closing it and locking it once everyone was inside. "do you still think it works?" taehyung asked.

"it should, I doubt anyone's touched it." hanbin laughed as he sat down, beginning to mess with the radio.

hyejin pulled up a chair, sitting in it and sighing. I stood against the door with taehyung standing next to me.

I eyed the second door in the room, walking closer to it and opening it. I looked around, it was bigger than the room we were in.

I shrugged to myself, pivoting on my heel to go back to the room everyone else was in. but I froze when a zombie looked me in the face.

I gasped, holding my breath and clasping onto my gun. but it just stood there, it wasn't attacking me.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I slowly exhaled, the sweat beading on my forehead. it's mouth was gaped open with blood dripping out.

it was just staring at me, why wasn't it attacking me? was this zombie stupid or something? I tilted my head, but at the same time, the zombie tilted its head too.

it was almost like it was mirroring me. I slowly raised my hand up, using my pointer finger and pointing it towards the zombie.

the zombie did the exact same thing, its pointer finger touching mine. how was this possible?

I slowly began to walk back towards the other room, but the zombie began to follow me. I pushed it away softly, "s-stay h-here..."

it groaned lowly, I quickly closed the door and exhaled deeply.

"northern lights, this is delta x-ray delta coming in, do you copy?" hanbin spoke into the microphone. "northern lights, this delta x-ray delta do you copy?" he repeated.

"come in northern lights, this is delta x-ray delta do you-"

"delta x-ray delta this is northern lights, I copy," a voice came through the speaker.

hanbin exhaled in relief, soohyun was practically standing on his toes when he heard his voice.

"what is your status sir?" he asked.

"we are currently in gyeongsang national university. we aren't alone here, though." hanbin answered.

"that's good, is the package safe?"

I scoffed, am I supposed to be "the package"?

I stormed up to hanbin, grabbing the microphone from him.

"I don't appreciate being called 'the package' what do you think I am? a sack of potatoes? if I don't make it to gwangju it'll be on you for setting that damn bounty on me!" I said angrily.

he sighed, "yeah, I am sorry about that, minseo. I really didn't mean for it to come out the way that it did..."

"well you better fix it! my child's life could potentially be in danger here."

"yes I know, who else is with you?" he asked.

"we have sergeant oh soohyun, minseo's daughter hyejin, and her father, kim taehyung here with us." hanbin replied.

"good, gwangju is still underway then. doctor han is waiting for you. be careful while you're out there."

"w-wait, citizen z, I have a question." I said.


"is there a possibility that, I don't know, zombie mind control could be a symptom of the zombie vaccine?" I chewed on my bottom lip, feeling stupid to even ask.

everyone furrowed their eyebrows while looking at me; like I was crazy.

"zombie mind control? what do you mean?" he asked.

"like a zombie can mimick me, almost like a mirror. and it won't attack me, it won't even try."

"hold on, when the hell did this happen?" soohyun asked.

"t-there's a zombie in that room," I pointed. "I froze when I saw it but it didn't attack me. and when I moved, it moved like me..."

"I didn't even know that could be a thing," citizen z chuckled. "but if anything, I will try and get into contact with doctor han and ask about that."

everybody's attention averted towards the door when gunshots were heard.

"citizen z, this is delta x-ray delta over and out," hanbin said, quickly turning off the radio. "we have to go. now."


reading over it, the zombie mind control thing seems kinda stupid pfftttt but it's based off this zombie show I watch so ig it's cool loll

omg the mama performance was soo good I literally screamed at the dynamite dance break :) I WANTED TO CRY AT JIKOOK DURING BLACK SWAN PLEASE-

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