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we followed these men to the lab

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we followed these men to the lab.

hyejin was stuck to my side, clenching onto taehyung's arm. he looked ginormous next to her.

"so why gwangju? why not closer to the lab in busan?" soohyun asked one of the men.

"when black summer hit, everything went to shit. gwangju was the least infected, surprisingly, so the the lab decided to have gwangju as a contingency plan." he answered.

"how many of you are there?" soohyun asked another question.

"many. as much as we can," he said. "not many doctors, good thing doctor han is present."

that bitch.

she made my life a living hell. she's the only reason why I'm here.

we finally ended up in the science department, I couldn't help but laugh a bit, a government based lab decided to settle in a university.

"you guys look like shit." the man soldier chuckled as he lit a cigarette.

I looked down at myself and the others, he wasn't wrong. our blood stained clothes and faces made us complete the look.

I looked like a mummy since I was wrapped up in bandages.

we walked into the lab, doctor han and a man dressed in a suit were in the room.

they both turned our direction when they heard us come in. "that's her?" she looked at me. I raised an eyebrow, confused.

"is it not?" the main soldier asked.

"I-I don't know, I never really got to see her face. I was in a rush since the outbreak..."

was she serious? how do you not recognize the face of the person you injected a vaccine into?

soohyun cleared his throat after studying my expression, "doctor han, I can assure you that-"

"what, do I not look familiar to you?" I scoffed.

"oh no..." soohyun mumbled.

"do you want a little refresher? how about this? 'pike me, pike me or I will hunt you down and eat your brains!'"

her jaw clenched, "that's her...where is the other sergeant that was-"

"he didn't make it." I answered.

she looked at the watch on her hand, looking up to the man next to her, nodding.

"we'll need you to come with us now, I hope you're ready." the man said.

I nodded my head, everyone began to follow me as I started to walk. "no," he stopped us. "just you."

I gulped as I looked at taehyung, he chewed on his bottom lip as he walked to me. he grabbed onto the sides of my head, "I'll take care of her."

he kissed me, hugging me tightly. hyejin hugged me, I kissed the top of her head as she looked at me. daewon gave me a reassuring smile and soohyun nodded at me.

I took a deep breath as I walked with doctor han and the man out the door. one of the soldiers followed behind us.

the walk was silent as we got closer to where they were taking me until doctor han spoke, "the procedure won't be long. but the amount of blood we'll be taking from your system will be exhausting for you."

"great..." I mumbled.

we ended up in another lab room, a chair set up for me. "please, take a seat." doctor han gestured to me.

I sat down, nurses walked into the room, hooking up iv's to my arms, taking my blood pressure and whatnot.

"so...what will happen after this is all done?" I asked.

"you'll be transferred somewhere else." doctor han said she kept her eyes glued on her clipboard.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "somewhere else? and where's that?"

"this will hurt for just a moment." a nurse said as she grabbed my finger, pricking my fingertip.

I winced, watching as she took a drop of blood from my finger, "hello? where will I go?"

"the child is on the run!" a static voice came through the soldier's radio.

I furrowed my eyebrows, what did I just hear?

"radio 3, can you repeat that please?" the soldier asked.

"the child is on the run!" he yelled again. "she's been bitten and she's with that fucking sergeant!"


day 2 of finals done ✅

my room is such a mess and i don't plan on cleaning it until finals week is over😭👍🏼

[excuse errors if any]

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