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~(Y/N) POV~

My eyes flutter open. I look from my left and to my right and see Harry. He looks like he just woke up too.

"Harry, are we in the infirmary?" I ask groggily.

"I think so." He answers.

"What happened? Why didn't you help me when I was fighting him? How did you survive? Where's the Stone? Did you kill him?" I blurt out a million questions.

"Slow down. I'm not entirely sure what happened. When he attacked you, I just froze. I didn't know what to do. After you got knocked out, he came for me, and my hands burned him or something."

"That makes no sense. Burnt him?"

"Yes. When I touched him he dissolved into thin air."

"Bull." I cross my arms.

"(Y/N), I swear!"

"So, you're telling me that Dumbledore didn't come down and kill him for you?"


"I guess I have to believe you. How long do you think we were out for?" I yawn.

"I have no idea."

We both observe our bedside tables. They're filled with cards and candies. I pick up the card closest to me.

I'm not sure what the hell happened, but I'll personally kill whoever did this to you. If you don't wake up in the next 24 hours, I'll kill you too. Dumbledore won't tell us anything yet. I tried to stay, but Madam Pomfrey forced me to leave. The first thing I want you to do when you wake up is to come and find me. I'm sure the trio has something to do with it. Potter's sitting in the bed next to you. I hope you know I won't be upset. I'm just glad that whatever it was didn't kill you.


I giggle to myself quietly.

'Oh, I'm so going to bully him for the heart.' I think.

"Who's that from?" Harry asks.

"Draco." I smile. "I've got to go find him."

Just then, Dumbledore burst through the double doors and walks in front of our hospital beds.

"Good afternoon, Harry. You as well, (Y/n). Tokens from your admirers?" Dumbledore asks.

"Admirers?" Harry asks.

"I thought you didn't tell anyone what happened." I point to the note from Draco.

"What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrel is a complete secret. That doesn't mean you don't have admirers." Dumbledore explains.

He reaches down and grabs something from Harry's tray of candy.

"I see that your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your chocolate frogs." The old man mumbles.

"Ron was here? Is he alright? What about Hermione?" Harry becomes worried.

"Fine. They're both just fine." The professor says calmly.

"What happened to the Stone?" Harry asks eagerly.

"Relax, dear boy. The Stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat. We agreed it was best all around."

"But then, Flamel, he'll die, won't he?" Harry frowns.

"He has enough Elixer, to set his affairs in order. But, yes, he will die."

"How is it I got the Stone sir? One minute I was standing in the mirror and the next..."

"I was wondering that too." I tap my chin.

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