eighteenth birthday

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today is my 18th birthday, and for some people that might be a very exciting experience. for me however- it isn't. I already have so many responsibilities and this 18th birthday means nothing but less freedom to me.

you see, i'm a demon. and not just any demon- i'm the devils younger brother.

being related to the king of hell has it's perks but most of the time it just...sucks. everyone expects so much from me because gerard- or...the devil, has set the bar so high. he's such a great ruler and people expect me to be just as great as him. i'm not nearly as great as him...i can barely even use my powers correctly!

(gerard wasn't even supposed to take on the role as the devil until he was much older, but since our father died so soon....gerard had no choice but to fill his place.)

sometimes i wish i wasn't a demon. i wish i could get rid of my horns and wings and just leave hell. i can take on human form- but only for so long.

people have a lot of misconceptions about demons. we aren't all evil....well we kinda are. but we aren't as heartless as people make us out to be. we still care about others. we still have the ability to love and show compassion just like anyone else. just look at gee- fuck i mean- the devil! he's supposedly the most evil demon of us all, yet there's nothing he loves more then his frankie.

how i wish i could find love like theres...i've known i was bisexual since i was 13. that should increase my chances of finding love right? or does it not work like that? i've only ever had a few crushes but nothing i'd consider to be love.

anyways, since i'm now 18, like any other demon, i'm to be assigned a human to guard. to look after. to protect. to watch. it's a very strange job i think. it's supposed to be the angel's job but i guess they got preoccupied with other things...i'm not sure what.

another misconception about demons is that the angels are their enemies. it's the exact opposite actually! in fact, angels and demons often work together to make sure the main world has a perfect balance of good and evil.

some of my friends are angels. ryan and ray are. so's frank but only half (his dad was a demon and his mother was an angel). i always felt like i fit in better with angels. most of my fellow demon peers pick on me and say i'm not evil enough. they say i'm clumsy- which, i am, but it certainly doesn't help when they're pushing me off my feet.

i hope the human i'm assigned to is nice. i probably won't be able to talk to them or anything but i hope they appreciate my guardianship. as i mentioned, this is an angels job. that's where the term "guardian angel" comes from- so i'm supposed to make sure my human is safe and stuff like that. i have to be the best angel i can be as a demon.

i find out who i will be guarding after my birthday dinner tonight. i really hope they're close to my age so maybe we can be friends...well that probably can't happen. i just hope i dont get some old woman or something. that would be extremely uncomfortable for me.

what if it's a pretty girl? or a hot guy...he'd probably be really-

"mikey!! we have to be at the restaurant at 7:30 and you know how impatient your brother is!!" my thoughts get cut off by frank screaming at me from downstairs. i check the time to see its already 6:45. i get dressed and fix up my hair as quickly as possible before rushing down to the car.

i'm dreading this birthday dinner. this is going to be a long night.

ayyee first chapter!! i know it was not very long- most of the chapters will probably be like that...but how'd you like it?? it's okay i know it sucked lmao. this story will probably be short and terrible but we'll see. anyways i hope you?? enjoyed??

-with love, jj.

the devils right-hand man//petekeyWhere stories live. Discover now