first day on the job

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this chapter is my least favorite so i wanted to get it over with. let me know if theres any typos.


as soon as my alarm goes off, i get this awful headache, like cmon today is supposed to be a fun day. it's friday. gotta get down on friday am i right?

oh last night i had the weirdest fucking nightmare. i was swimming and then i started drowning and i couldn't breathe and then out of no where it just- stopped. right before i was about to die in the dream, everything went black.

that's never happened before. i wonder why.

anyways i have school today which of course i'm not excited for. i've been going to school for like 12 years now, how am i not used to it??

i have to force myself out from the warmth of my blanket and sit up. and once i do, everything feels off.

i get out of bed and i don't know why or what it is but something feels different. i feel like someone is watching me yet i'm the only person in the room. i look around and nothing seems to be out of place so i just brush it off.

i get dressed, brush my teeth, you know, all that morning stuff. i put on my favorite hoodie (it's really cool, i made it myself) since it's starting to get a bit colder.

i never really liked the cold. i prefer summer but it's whatever. i like warm weather and waterparks and fireworks. summer is just superior in my opinion.

i realize that i have to pick up patrick and i should probably leave now if i don't wanna be late...and i already have a bad reputation of being late.

i grab my keys and backpack, making sure to lock the door on my way out. i text patrick, letting him know that i'm on my way before driving off to his house.

he responds with a "k"...dry texting bitch.

it only takes me about five minutes to get to his house since he lives pretty close to me. i honk my car horn so he knows i'm here- i could just text him, but wheres the fun in that?

he runs out of his house sporting his usual cardigan and fedora. you would never think that we would be friends considering how different we are.

patrick is hella cute and hella nice. i, however, am super emo and fucking dark. we make a good match though.

"thanks for picking me up pete, i appreciate ya." he says with a grin. see what i mean? cute and nice.

"no problem kid." he makes at frowny face at the nickname, i know he hates it when i call him-

"peeete you know i hate it when you call me that."

"it's true though! how old are you now? nine?" i try to sound as serious as possible but it's actually really hard to contain my laughter.

"i'm 15 you bitch!" he hits my arm and i pretend to be offended.

"how dare you! i can't believe you've done this- that's it, i'm not giving you rides to school anymore."

"shut up and drive, we're gonna be late again."

"yeah yeah whatever." i smile and start driving towards the school. this is usually how mornings start with me and patrick.

i arrive at the school right before the bell goes off so me and patrick have to sprint to our classes and say bye to each other. he's a couple grades below me so i won't see him until lunch. it's okay though since i have first and second period with joe.

speaking of first period- mrs. taylor fucking hates me. i swear she's out to get me. she gives me detention for no reason and she never gets on to anyone in class other then me.

just a few more months pete.

all that's getting me through school right now is knowing that it'll be over soon.

even though i get to class on time, mrs taylor marks my attendance as late. see? she's out to get me!

first period wasn't too bad. we didn't have much work to do so i just took notes the whole time. the rest of the morning after that went by quickly.

i'm waiting for patrick and joe in the cafeteria at our usual table. i'm starting to feel weird again. like someone is here- but i'm the only person on this side of the cafeteria.

i try to brush it off like i did this morning but it's just such a strange feeling.

finally patrick sits down across from me, mumbling a "hi pete." i nod at him and he starts eating his food.

"where's joe?" i ask. he usually comes in with patrick...

"he said he's eating lunch with one of his other friends today"

"joe has other friends?" i'm genuinely surprised but i say it in a joking way.

patrick laughs. i love making him laugh.

we sit in silence for a few minutes, just eating our lunch- but i'm still bothered by the feeling like someone else is here.

"hey pat, do you ever feel like someone is watching you?...or like someone else is there when it's just you?" god i sound like a psychopath.

he swallows his food before saying, "" of course he would ask why dude.

"i don't know, i just felt kinda off this morning, like i was being watched or something. it's probably nothing though." he gives me an unconvinced look, clearly knowing that it's not nothing. i grin at him so he won't ask anymore questions.


he knows? he knows! what? how does he know? okay okay, all he said was that he felt like he was being watched. that's probably normal right? yeah, i'm sure its normal. he can probably just sense that i'm here- as long as he can't see me it should be fine.

i'm currently sitting at a lunch table with peter and his friend patrick. it's been an easy first day so far. nothing bad or unusual has happened (other then when he got in trouble for being late even though he was on time).

i actually kind of like peter- or pete...yeah i'll call him pete. anyways, he's pretty funny and he seems like a nice guy. i wish i could actually have a  proper conversation with him but, like i said, i'm not allowed.

guarding him is quite easy. i just have to keep him safe which isn't hard at all. i sort of just follow him around like a lost puppy. he's a smart kid so i don't think i'm going to have to do much to protect him.

hey guys, i hope you liked this chapter! lemme know what you think...thanks for the votes/reads btw!

also, my friend called fall out boy gay as an insult so i said "you're just figuring that out?" and proceeded to play ginasfs

- jj :)

the devils right-hand man//petekeyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن