mikey's wings

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when i wake up it's already dark. great, i slept all afternoon- i probably even missed dinner!

everything from earlier floods back into my brain. everything that happened with bob and...mikey.

mikey. my guardian demon.

where is mikey? he said that he's always here. it should probably make me uncomfortable knowing that he's always watching me.

it doesn't though. it's actually kind of comforting in a way.

"uh, m-mikey? are you here?" i sit up and speak quietly since i know my parents are probably asleep.

i hear a strange noise from the other side of the room and look over to see mikey slowly come into view.

"yeah, i'm here." he speaks quietly like i did. i knew he was here...i don't know why i asked.

i rub my eyes before asking,
"what time is it?"

"it's about 10:45 or so." he walks over and sits on the bean bag. he wraps his wings around himself, he's probably cold.

we sit in silence for a second while i think of what to say to him. how do you start a conversation with a demon?

"do you wanna go for a walk or something? i'm not really tired..." i finally say after a few minutes. he just nods in response.

i get up and put on some black high-tops. i grab my white denim jacket too since it will probably be cold outside.

"c'mon mikey" i start climbing out of the window and he follows behind me.

"where are we going?" he asks, and it's a good question, because i don't know where we're going.

i think of where we could go. we could go to a dinner maybe...oh right, demon. a park would probably be better.

"um...maybe the park down the street?" i saw more like a question then a statement.

he shakes his head and laughs. well- kinda. it's like a half laugh. well not really a half laugh either. more like a quarter laugh.

"i have a better idea of where we should go." he says while spreading his wings out behind him. i look at him with a confused expression.

"do you trust me pete?" i nod and mumble something that sounds like a yes.

then he wraps his arms firmly around me and says, " then hold on."

before i have time to ask what he's doing, he flys up into the air and i'm clinging onto him for dear life.

oh my god. holy shit.

"relax pete," he says calmly- "i'm not going to drop you."

yeah pete just relax. of course he's not gonna drop you! he's supposed to protect you. he's not gonna drop you.

it's then that i realize how fucking cool this is. i'm like...flying! well, mikey is the one who's flying but still!

we're so far up from the ground and i can see the whole city from here. my school is over there...oh and there's patrick's house!

"isn't it beautiful? all the city lights that stand out in the darkness. awesome, right?" mikey says as he tightens his grip around me.

"yeah, awesome." i say in complete amazement.

after a few more minutes of flying around the city, mikey lands carefully and puts me back down on my feet.

"that was really cool mikey!" i practically yell while jumping up and down like a 7 year old. he just nods and laughs softly.

"look around." he says, and i do. i look down and realize that we're on a brige and there's a river underneath it. i look at all the flowers and trees. the moon is so bright, it makes everything look glowy.

it's a beautiful spot really. it's quite.

"woah- we must be pretty far from the city...how did you know about this place?" i question mikey as i look up at him.

"i like to explore. i found this place one day when i was just flying around...i looked down and saw the river. i come here sometimes after you fall asleep, just to collect my thoughts and stuff you know?" i nod at his response.

he sits at the edge of the bridge and motions for me to sit down next to him.

"i like it here...it's quite." i mumble and he gives me yet another smile.

not his usual half smile from before- like a full smile with teeth. and fuck it's a nice smile. it almost makes my cheeks heat up. i mean, it's not every day that a hot demon guy smiles at you.

but it's not that i like him or anything. he's just really attractive, and it makes me kinda flustered. and to be honest, i've never been the straightest kid out there. but i do not like mikey. no way. i just met him! plus he's a demon...i don't even know-

"pete," mikey cuts off my thoughts and continues, "why doesn't it make you uncomfortable knowing that i'm like, always watching you and stuff...?"

i think for a second and take a deep breath before responding,

"well, i'm like, always alone- you know...since my parents work a lot. i mean, i have the band who i get to see at school and during practice. but other then that i'm just by myself a lot...i always come home to an empty house." i take another deep breath.

"and it messes with me sometimes...i don't like being alone. so i guess that's why you don't bother me. because now even when i'm alone, i'll know you're here..." he smiles but doesn't say anything, like he knows i'm gonna say something else.

"and next time bob tries to beat the shit outta me i know you'll be there to save me." i grin at him and he laughs. god he has to stop doing that.

we laugh and talk for a while. i ask him some more questions about what it's like to be a demon.

"so what other powers do you have? like what else can you do that us commoners can't?"

"well...i can move things with my mind. i can levitate, and i can possess people- but only with their permission. oh and i'm like wickedly strong. " he replies in an amusing tone. i wish i could do things like that.

we go back to sitting in silence after a while. it's not an awkward silence or anything, it's comfortable.

mikey is the type of person that you don't really have to talk to. you can just enjoy his company without saying a thing.

i turn my head to look over at him and notice his whiskey colored eyes already looking at me.

"i...i should probably get you home, it's getting...late." he mumbles quietly after a few minutes of us just looking at each other.

"um, yeah okay." i don't reallt wanna go home. i wanna stay here with mikey- but before i know it, his arms are around me and he's lifting us up into the air again.

he flys straight to my house so it doesn't take long. he lands right by my window. i open it and climb through quietly so i don't wake up my parents.

"are you coming in?" i ask him once i'm fully inside.

"uh...what time is it?"

i look down at my watch to check the time, "almost 2 in the morning."

"2 in the morning?! no, i- i have to go. gerard is going to kill me."

"gerard?" i ask.

"yeah, my brother- i'm sorry pete i have to go...i'll see you tomorrow." he replies and then disappears.

i sigh and lock the window. i walk over to my bed and take off my shoes before getting under the covers.
i wish mikey would've stayed.

hii, like i said a few chapters ago, updates will be veryyy slow these upcoming weeks. i'm starting a new story and i have a shit ton of schoolwork so i don't have as much time. i am trying though! let me know what you think, i always take constructive criticism and i'm open to suggestions! thnks guys :)


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