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i can't get that thing patrick said out of my head. he said that pete seemed happier, and that it was probably because of me...only probably though. probably doesn't mean definitely. i mean he could be happy for so many different reasons. it couldn't possibly be me.

i really wish it was though. i hate to admit that i'm really falling for pete. i wouldn't call it love or anything but it might get there soon. i have no idea if he's even into guys- let alone me. i know he likes me as a friend, we've hung out enough for me to tell. but anything beyond just friends seems impossible.

that conversation with patrick happened on saturday, it's currently late monday morning. pete is supposed to have school today- but he's ditching of course. fucking trouble maker.

he's still in bed despite how late it is (he looks so small buried under all the blankets), and i'm sitting at the edge of the bed with my legs crossed. pete's talking about some new band and i'm trying my best to listen. it's so cold up here- i have my wings wrapped around me but there's only so much warmth they can provide.

"-and their song 'dinner bell' is my's just so good, ya know. and- hey are you okay?" pete says the last part with a concerned tone when he notices me shivering.

"oh uh, yeah i-i'm just cold..." he moves around under the covers and reaches over to touch my arm.

"jesus mikeyway, you're freezing-" pete lifts up the blankets and pats the spot next to him on the bed.

did he literally just ask me to get in his bed? i mean, he didn't mean it like that. i kind of wish he did but- wait what?

right when i'm about to deny the offer he says, "c'mere." his voice is so soft and he's smiling at me which makes it absolutely impossible to say no to him.

i sigh, crawling over next to him and he covers me up with the blankets. he pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me. we're so close together that his legs are tangled with mine and my head is on his chest-

and i try not to have a heart attack because you see, pete wentz is extremely attractive, and he currently doesn't have a shirt on...and he's really lean and muscular and...and god i could just kiss him right now. but i know all of this is completely platonic to him.


this is real nice. i haven't had a good cuddle in a long time- and mikey doesn't seem to mind so it's cool.

it's a tiny bit awkward. he's taller then me, but he's also thinner then me so it's easy for me to hold him.

wait- this is completely platonic right? like this isn', right? don't get me wrong- mikey is great and super hot but he doesn't like me like that. he's just a friend and all that shit. plus i bet he has a girlfriend or something.

yeah, this is platonic.

mikey's head on my chest, my legs around his...not gay at all. just two friends cuddling platonicly. patrick and i used to do this when we were kids and that was always fine.

"um, w-when did you know you wanted to play music?" mikey asks, breaking the silence.

i smile at the question, "i just remember when i was a kid, ya know, and my dad would play music in the car...and we would sing along." he doesn't say anything but i know he's listening, "i just wanted to be like the guys on the radio, so i learned bass. me and patrick always wanted to start a band and when we did- it just felt like thats what i was meant to do. nothing really makes sense to me except for music."

"that's- wow..." mikey doesn't really say much, but i know he gets it. he always gets it.

we just lay there for a while. we could talk- but we don't have to. that's one of the reasons i like hanging with him, he does need to say anything for me to enjoy his company. he's a good listener and i like that.

mikey stirs around and drapes his arm over me. i hug him closer to and he moves his head up a bit so his horns are practically poking me but i don't mind.

i brush my fingers around the skin between his neck and shoulders and he shivers at the touch. his breath is hot on my neck and i'm touching him and fuck this is gay isn't it??

fuck- no no no, i don't want mikey to get the wrong idea, i'm don't- i'm not- am i? i...i've messed around with guys before but nothing serious. and mikey, well, mikey is perfect- but i don't have feelings for him. i don't wanna hurt him, he's too good for that.

but i can't possibly move him- or ask him to get off of me. he's so content and comfortable, 


i don't want to make him move. then he'll be cold! i don't want him to be cold either...

"uh pete-"

we'll have to get up eventually, i'll just wait until then and-

"pete! your phone is ringing..."

"what? oh, sorry." i reach over for my phone on the bedside table, the caller id reads 'patrick', huh that's weird. he must have a free period.

i answer it and before i can even say hello, patrick says, "oh my gosh you'll never believe what happened!" he's screaming into the phone so this must be good.

"hmm...what could it be? oh, i know! pattycakes got a girlfriend!" i say with an amused tone, knowing patrick is rolling is eyes.

"pete! we got our first gig! our first real gig- this weekend at the prom. isn't that exciting?!"

"our f-first gig?"

200 reads?!?! fucking crazy! thank you so much it means the world to me. comments are my absolute favorite so don't ever hesitate to leave one <3

-jj *winky face*

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