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drinking game: take a shot every time pete says "mikey said"
also this story will be coming to a close soon- but fear not! for i have started yet another petekey book that you can read if you'd like. also, shout out to MikeyWayUnicornLord for being awesome


being a demon is fucking weird as hell.
haha, hell. i feel so weird. so weird. all my senses are heightened and i have so much energy- i haven't slept in over 48 hours and i feel fine!

mikey said i would notice changes- i'm already really good at using my powers, and mikey said i would get stronger and probably grow a few inches- i look forward to that. i'm a short motherfucker.

the horns on my head are really cool- i have to change into full demon form to make them appear- i don't have wings. which is a bummer because wings are awesome. but mikey said i have to "earn them" because i'm "human before demon", i guess it makes sense.

oh, i also met gerard- also known as mikey's brother- also known as my boyfriend's brother- also known as the man who didn't want us to be together because it was too risky for both of our safety's.

yeah, him.

it went well, as well as it could go- surprisingly. i don't think he likes me very much but i understand why. mine and mikey's relationship isn't exactly ordinary. of course gerard was mad when i walked in, but not mad enough to yell or anything.

he probably saved that part for mikey. i felt bad but mikey said it was okay. it wasn't, but i couldn't do anything.

now it's friday. it's the day that mikey becomes the actual devil- i'm not sure how exactly. is it like being knighted? however it works, i try not to ask too many questions about demon affairs that don't concern me.

that's where mikey is right now- in the back room of a large building- hopefully without a sword anywhere near his head-while i'm waiting in the very front.

(there's a girl here who's name tag says 'alicia'- i think mikey said something about her once but whatever it was couldn't have been good judging by the death stares she's giving me.)

it feels like forever, when in reality it's only about 15 minutes until mikey comes back. and fuck i don't know what i was expecting but- mikey walks out from the back and his wings and horns...are, "red."
i say, without realizing- because yeah, they're red at the ends. bright red.

"yeah, do you like 'em?" mikey asks, spreading his wings out behind him. they aren't filled with feathers like they used to be. now they look more bat-like. i reach out to brush over them and nod to answer his question.

"there was supposed to be a ceremony or something but we just sped things up. anyways...d'you want to go back to my place?" i nod and he grabs my hand and we start walking towards the exit door.

hell is a strange place. it's just like earth really, except it's darker and hot. so fucking hot. the dirt is dark red and the trees are black- but the houses and stuff are the same, just maybe not as bright as they are on earth.

it's a bunch of normal neighborhoods with all dark brick and black sidewalks, until you walk too far and start hearing screams of people who fucked up before they died. i try to stay out of that area.

mikey's house looks like a castle- well, i guess it is a castle. it has these crazy spiral staircases and creepy paintings on the walls. i've only been once so i didn't see everything, but maybe this time i'll get to explore.

when we get there we go straight to mikey's room- which is dark red like everything else. dark walls, dark curtains, and dark bedding.

"it's crazy how you're like, the devil now and stuff..." i say while running my hands through mikey's hair. he laughs, softly,"it's crazy how you're a demon now, and stuff." he mocks me. i place a light kiss on his lips and maneuver myself so i'm gently laying on top of him.

when mikey and i are together we don't really, like, do anything. i guess we don't need anything other then each other to stay entertained- we don't even have to talk either, we can just lay together and be content with that. just being in his company is enough for me. so that's all we do until mikey speaks-

"you know, even though i'm not your guardian anymore...i'm still going to protect you, no matter what happens- even when your band gets big and you're super famous, i will always keep you safe. i promise." he holds me closer to him as i snuggle into him.

god, i'm so fucking in love with this boy.

the devils right-hand man//petekeyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora