cough medicine

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as much fun as i had last night, i'm really starting to regret going up to the roof with mikey.

it was cool and stuff of course, i told mikey that he was my best friend- and he looked- you know...mikey. and he was sitting so close to me and it was complete magic- but i mean, not like that.

anyways it was wickedly freezing that night (even though it's almost may) and thanks to that i'm coughing and sniffling all over the place. i have a fucking cold. a fucking cold.

and to make things even worse, it's nearly 7am and mikey hasn't shown up yet. i'm starting to get really impatient.

stupid mikey- is he all i think about?
lately it seems like the only thing on my mind is the awkward lanky demon boy.

holy shit, am i'm falling for him? how did i not realize it before?

i'm with him every minute of every day, even when i'm at school i know he's there...and he always tags along when i'm with the band, since they like him. he's there when i wake up and he's there when i fall asleep.

and when i'm not with him, which is rare, my head fills with thoughts about his straightened hair and brown eyes (that sometimes turn black).

all those times i caught myself staring at him, or the excitement of knowing that i was gonna hang with him after did i not realize it?

no no, this isn't good- he's amazing and perfect and there's no way he would like me back. he's too beautiful and i'm too pathetic.

this always happens. i always fall for the person i'd never have a chance with.

why are you like this, pete? i ask myself as i slide down the wall until i'm sitting on the floor.

mikey probably has some hot demon girlfriend or something- i bet he only hangs out with me because he has to, because it's his job. it doesn't matter how i feel about him, i'm sure i'm the least important thing in his-

"h-hey pete, i'm sorry i took so brother needed my help with something and it took longer than expected. wait, are you crying?"

"" i say, lifting my hand up to cover my face that's wet with tears. to be honest, i don't even notice when i started crying.

"hey, hey it's okay-" he kneels down in front of me and awkwardly wraps an arm around me. "do you want to talk about what's bothering you?" he asks.

"i-i'm just really stressed...and i don't know, i'm kinda overwhelmed with everything..."

"is there anything i can do?" he moves a little closer and pulls me into his arms so i'm practically sitting on his lap.

i think for a second, "well you can cure my cold" i reply- half joking, half not. if i had enough confidence i would probably tell him to kiss me or something. but i don't and this sucks.

"aw sorry i can't do colds, i can go get you some medicine though." he has the most amazing smile i've ever seen-

and nearly an hour later i'm back in bed with mikey sitting next to me.
i'm covered in at least seven blankets but i'm still freezing.

i really hate being sick. i rarely ever catch colds or the flu but when i do it's absolutely brutal. you sneeze, and cough, and throw up- it's disgusting. and now mikey is stuck here taking care of me.

"come on pete, you have to take it..." he says, trying to hand me the cap of medicine. i shake my head and cover my mouth like a little kid.

"you were the one who was complaining now take the goddamn medicine." he demands and i just kept pushing his hand away.

"no, it's gross."

"i know, but you have to take it."





"...fine." i say, sighing dramatically. mikey hands me the medicine and i gulp it down as quickly as possible. and i was right, gross. he gives me a look that says 'that wasn't so bad, was it?' and i shoot him a glare.

eventually i somehow convince mikey to cuddle with me, which probably isn't a good idea considering i just realized my feelings for him- but it's fine. it's fine. it's completely fine.

this is honestly pretty normal for us. platonic cuddling. except this time it isn't platonic anymore, at least not on my end. on mikey's end i'm sure it is. he doesn't have butterflies in his stomach like i do.

"thanks for taking care of me." i break the silence after a few minutes. my head is on his chest and his limbs are wrapped around me.

"it's my job" he laughs.

"i ya mikeyway." i say, meaning it in a friend way, but since i have feelings for him it might not be completely 'friendly'. he doesn't have to know that though.

"i think you took too much cough medicine." and that's the last thing i hear before i fall asleep.

no "note" today :) just wanted to say hi, although i guess my authors notes dont usually have anything to do with the story, huh?

-jj :b

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