long ass name

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my birthday dinner wasn't nearly as bad as i expected it to be. it was filled with old family members and annoying acquaintances, which isn't my preferred crowd but- other then them it was almost, dare i say, fun.

i got gifts from gerard and frank, as well as one from ray (a new record player from gerard, comic books from frank, and a toy unicorn from ray) and some lame gifts from my family...oh and a gift card from ryan. i guess it was actually pretty nice.

i'm currently in my room, waiting for lindsey to call me so i can find out the name of the human i'll be protecting. or guarding? whatever. lindsey is in charge of assigning demons to their humans. she's also a good family friend so i hope she assigns me to someone interesting-

all i know is that they will most likely be male since i myself am male and i guess it would be weird for me to watch after a girl. anyways i'm kind of nervous to find out who they are. what if i'm not a good guardian and accidentally mess up their entire life? out of all the jobs to have why did i have to have this one?

(i'm also scared about going to the main world. i've only been up there once and i was a tiny child so i have no idea what to expect.)

the devil- fuck it- gerard doesn't have to be anyones guardian. neither does frank. i suppose that's because they're busy ruling hell and simply don't have time. gerard is king after all and i guess that makes frank the queen? other king? i'm not sure what to call him exactly. they married less then a month ago so i don't think he really has a title yet.

i keep staring at my phone, waiting for it to ring. like somehow my gaze is going to make it ring faster. i was supposed to get the call at 9 and it's almost 9:15 so it should be any minute now-

it's ringing. oh god i'm nervous. it's still ringing. she's going to hang up if i don't answer it. i pick up the phone and slowly press my finger down on the answer button. i take a deep breath before saying "hello?" i wrap my wings around myself out of nervousness.

"michael! i was afraid you weren't going to pick up...how are you?" lindsey's voice sounds so friendly and normally i would find comfort in it but right now all my nerves are taking over. this 'guardian' thing never seemed to be a problem so why is it freaking me out now?

"yeah sorry about that i was uh...i just didn't hear the phone i guess...oh and i'm good, kinda nervous" i let out a small laugh before continuing, "anyways, what's the news?" please say you assigned me to someone nice and interesting.

"well it took me a long time to find a human suitable for you but i finally found one that i think you'll like." why did it take her a long time...?

"oh okay...great...who are they?" here it goes-

"his name is peter lewis kingston wentz III. he is 17 and he lives in chicago illinois."

peter lewis kingston wentz III?? he's 17? that's younger then i was expecting- but i do know that most humans get their guardian demons in their teen years. like before the go to college or leave home.

i wonder what he's like. god i hope he's not mean. what does he look like? is he tall or short....is he muscular or scrawny? i wonder what color his eyes are. maybe they're blue or like a nice brown. i wonder what he likes. does he like music like me or does he like sports or something? is he popular or not? i hope nobody is bullying him or anything- i'm assuming he's still in school.

"micheal? are you there? what do you think of your human?" lindsey sounds concerned. how long have i been silent? i have quite a few thoughts and questions although the only thing that comes out of my mouth is,

"he has....a long ass name."

wooohooo i hope this didn't suckkk lol speaking of which- church by fall out boy is about succing dicc and nobody can change my mind. anyways my updates will probably start becoming less consistent as this story progresses

-with love, jj ;)

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