really really

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i'm just sitting on my bed with my popcorn next to the one and only mikey way. and everything is perfect, just like always.

mikey mumbles next to me "pete, how do you uh, tell someone you like them?"

he likes someone? well fuck.

"well, like just tell them. don't stress about it too much. just say 'i like you', you know?" i pause, "...just tell them exactly what you're feeling, and be straight up with it" i say, not looking at him.

why can't you follow your own advice, pete? just tell mikey how you feel before it's too late!

"and what if they don't like me back?"

i look at him and grin, "then they're a fucking idiot."

"pete?" he pulls his sleeves over his hands like he's nervous or something. sweater-paws.

"yeah mikes?"

mikey whispers barely loud enough for me to hear, "i like you..."


oh my god. this is a dream isn't it? he didn't just say that, no that's impossible. there is no way that mikey actually just said that.

he's too perfect. he likes! how?! holy shit.

he could have literally anyone he wants and yet he just confessed to me.
don't get me wrong- i like him too. of course i do, how could i not.

i've been waiting for him to say those exact words and now he finally did and nothing is coming out of my mouth.

i look at him. he's looking at me- his eyes are soft and scared and his wings are clenched tightly behind him. he's waiting for a response.

fuck what if he thinks i don't like him back?! what if he thinks my silence counts as a rejection?! ugh, say something pete!

"uh, i-"

"i mean i really really like you...more then as a friend." he looks down, away from me and continues, "i-i know you probably don't feel the same but i just, i've been feeling this way for a while and i thought you should know. i'm sorry i'm not really good at this stuff i....dammit i shouldn't have said anything. i'm so sorry, i-"

and then i do it. i fucking kiss him. it's a super quick peck and super uncoordinated but ultimately not too bad.

he looks stunned like he doesn't know what just happened. i'll give him a minute.

"you just- you, you k-kissed me?" he asks with his fingers gently brushing over his lips.

"well i'm pretty sure i did. i would be kinda upset if it was someone else." i smile wide at him, trying to make this whole thing less uncomfortable.

"so do you...." he doesn't finish his question but i know exactly what he's asking.

"yeah, i do."

"that...that's awesome. i was so worried, i-i thought you were going to reject me or something."

i don't respond- just place a hand behind his neck and pull him towards me. i put my lips on his again and kiss him slow and gentle.

but, holy shit, demons are good kissers...or maybe it's just mikey. his lips are so, so soft and he knows how to move them perfectly on mine.

i've been waiting weeks for this to happen, i wonder how long he's been waiting for it.

i, unfortunately, have to pull away after a minute of simply kissing the beautiful boy in front of me.

"woah..." i run a hand through my hair before looking up at mikey who's panting softly.

"yeah, woah." he says- mockingly, of course.

"hey! i just kissed you mikeyway, that means you can't tease me. it's a rule!"

"oh please-" he smirks at me, "you liked it."

"that's it-" i say before tackling him on the bed. it's a big mess of limbs and giggles and playful fighting, until we both give up on trying to win and decide to just cuddle instead.

"so you got the hots for me, huh?" i say, snuggled up into mikey's side.

"i think we established that, yes." he laughs and places a small kiss on my forehead while i kiss his neck lightly.

and everything is perfect, just like always.

thank you so much to the...2 people reading this <3 i hope you enjoyed!


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