the bridge

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i've been listening to my chemical romance non-stop. like actually non-stop.

mikey has to make me turn it off because he's so sick of hearing his own basslines. i love it though- it's a shame that they aren't very popular outside of the underworld.

i really want fall out boy to make cool music like that soon. we have ten original songs and two in the works, it's enough for an album. we just need to record them properly.

mikey is a great support for the band, he actually believes in me, and very little people do. i may or may not have written him a song or two...or five. i just like him a lot, i love him- i'm in love with him. i mean, how could i not be?

should i tell him that i love him? i should probably tell him-

now might now be a great time, we're sitting in the middle of a frozen yogurt shop...not exactly the most romantic place. plus, we've only been together for a little over a month. what if that's too soon?

fuck it, i'm just gonna tell him. not here though. somewhere nice and special. then again, we don't really have a special place- we spend most of our time making out in my room or causing trouble at the mall.

the only 'special' place i can think of is...the bridge. the bridge mikey took me to after he'd saved me from bob. it was the first time we really talked and i think that's when i fell for him, i just didn't realize it yet. yeah, the bridge is perfect.

it's a beautiful spot, quite.

but i don't fucking know where it is- mikey is the one who had found it and took me there.

"hey, mikes?" i get his attention while tapping my spoon on the side of my cup. i now he can sense my nervousness. "yeah? what's wrong baby?" he asks, and yeah, i was right.

"oh nothing, i just you remember that place you took me to? that place with the bridge and lake- or river, or whatever?" he lets out a light chuckle and nods in reply.

"well, can you, uh, take me there again?"

"totally. let's go right now!" he jumps up from his chair and grabs my hand to pull me up.
he leads me outside, still holding onto my hand.

"are we walking or flying?" i ask, looking up at him.

"walking. i'm not in the mood to change back." he replies. i feel bad that he has to get rid of his wings and horns every time we go out in public- i guess that's why we usually stay home.

we get to the bridge pretty quickly since we apparently weren't that far from it. and well, holy shit- i'm really doing this, huh?

we sit on the very edge like we did the first time- only this time, we're sitting as close as possible.

"mikey..." i grip his hand, "i wanna tell you...something,"

"what is it, petey?" he asks and pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my waist.

i try my best to calm my nerves and clear my throat before saying it, "i, um...i love you, mikey."

and before i have time to doubt myself, his lips are on mine and he's kissing me. roughly and fast but with so much passion, like he couldn't live without it.

all my nerves float away when he pulls me into his lap and brushes his tongue on mine- that's when i lose it.

eventually, unfortunately, he pulls away so we can catch our breaths, our foreheads pressed together and our eyes still closed.

"i love you too"

i smile and giggle loudly when he opens his eyes- they're completely blacked out, like full on demon eyes. it should probably be scary but it just looks super hot. then again, i think everything mikey does is hot.

"why are you laughing?" he asks with a giggle matching mine.

"your eyes, they're black" i say and he blinks a few times until they're back to normal, "sorry, i can't really control when they do that..."

i don't reply- instead i attach my lips to his neck and kiss all around it, only avoiding his sweet spot just so i can get him all hot and bothered.

"shit, pete. you know, i could so fuck you right now-"

"mm, maybe when we get home."


my job is...hard, to say the least.
i have so many responsibilities that it's so hard to keep up with.

you'd think being the devil would be an easy job. it's not.

my father was the devil before me and it definitely suited him much better.

i wasn't ever supposed to be here. i wasn't ever supposed to be the devil.

but then dad was killed- by an angel, to everyone's surprise. i was twenty-four at that time. nearly a year ago.

it was right after frank and i had gotten married.

maybe if it didn't happen then we would've had the baby we were talking about.

that's why i want mikey to take on the role. he's only eighteen but i know he'll do a much better job then i am.

then i'll be able to live a happily married life. and if it becomes to much for him i can always help him out, or even take the job back.

i plan on telling him as soon as i get back home.

"um...devil, sir?" i hear someone say. i turn around in my chair to see who the voice belongs to.

"please, mark. i told you to call me gerard."

he steps back when i speak, he's scared of me. everyone is.

"right, sorry gerard. i- um, i have some interesting news for you..."

"alright, what is it?"

he looks down at his clipboard to read whatever notes are on it.

"well, as you know, i was on earth earlier today...on business, of course." i nod, signaling for him to continue.

"while i was heading to my assignment i spotted your brother, michael,"

i smile and say, "oh, did you say hello to him?"

"no, he...he couldn't see me..." i furrow my eyebrows in a confused expression, "why not?"

"he- he was in human form, sir. a-and then i saw him...kiss someone...a human."

"you saw him do what?"

the devils right-hand man//petekeyWhere stories live. Discover now