if that's okay with you

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gerard forced me to dye my hair- like actually physically forced the dye upon me. all i wanted was a haircut (i got contacts and i wanted a new look) and then the next thing i know, i'm standing in the bathroom with super short, super black hair.

"come on mikey, it looks good!" says frank as he pats me on the back. i reach up and touch my hair, examining it in the mirror.

"it looks weird..."

"it doesn't. mikes, come on, how long have you known me?" he asks and sits down on the counter- struggling to, of course, since he's so short.

"too long." i laugh. i've honestly known frank since elementary school. he was a couple grades above me but we were friends nonetheless. hell, he never would have married gerard if it wasn't for me!

"okay, and have i ever lied to you?"

"yes." i say, without any hesitation whatsoever.

"oh, uh...well your hair looks good, okay! trust me."

"whatever, pete's probably going to think it's stupid-" i mentally cringe as soon as i mention pete. now i have to tell frank all about him or else he won't leave me alone- way to go, mikey.

"pete? and who would that be, hmm?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"he's, um, nobody...anyways i gotta go!" and then i practically sprint out of the house to avoid any more questions. i mean i wasn't lying- i really did have to go, pete is expecting me.


school is finally over. i actually graduated. the graduation ceremony was annoyingly long but it resulted in cake and celebratory kisses from mikey, so it was totally worth it.

since then i've been getting up early every morning just so i can see mikey as soon as he gets here.

it's summer now so i get to spend even more time with him.

we've been a 'thing' for a few weeks now, not a super long time or anything- but that doesn't stop how fast i'm falling for him. i can't even remember what i did before i met him.

he gets along well with everyone, which is a relief. of course, my parents haven't met him since they're never fucking here, but my friends like him very much.

brendon might like him a little too much...he won't admit it but i can tell when he has a crush. i don't mind really, as long as he knows his boundaries. besides, who couldn't love mikey?

"hi, pete." and there he is.

"where are you mikes?" i ask, looking around the room.

"look up."

i tilt my head to look up at mikey who's sitting on the ceiling, hanging upside-down like fucking spiderman or something.

"you freak," i laugh, "get down from there."

mikey falls onto the bed and i take that as an opportunity to jump on top of him, and kiss him when he wraps his arms around me. we stay like that for a while until i put my hands in his hair and thats when i pull away,

"you get a haircut, mikeyway?"

"oh...yeah i dyed it too, do you like it?" i sit up so i can get a good look at him. i smile when i see his new hairstyle

"totally, you don't look like such a bottom anymore. it's hot." i grin at him.

"i'm not a bottom," he says, giggling.

"hate to break it to ya mikeyway, but you're a bottom."

"and you would you know, huh?" he crosses his arms and sits up on the bed so we're eye to eye.

"i can just sense it. i guess you radiate bottom-energy."

"i do not!"

"you do..."

"no, i don't-"

"hmm, i think you do..." and then he tackles me and fucking pins me down with my hands above my head, kissing me super hard and super fast- and then pulls away as soon as i get super into it.

what a tease.

"i told you" he says with a devilish smirk.

"well shit! how was i supposed to know you could be so dominant..." i lean in and place my lips on his one more time before cuddling into his chest.

"ya know, mikey, i don't mind having a dominant boyfriend...i'm kinda into it"

"boyfriend?" he asks like its the only thing he heard. i try to read his emotion through the tone of his voice but his poker-face transfers to his voice sometimes which makes it hard to read him.

"yeah, i mean- if thats okay with you...?" i say, more of a question then a statement.

"of course it's okay with me." he holds me closer to me and wraps his wings around both of us.


i wrote this super quickly so it probably has a lot of mistakes lol sorryyyy

-jj <3

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