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i have a new story up that's also petekey, you can check it out if you'd like :) this is a long one so i'm sorry for any mistakes >~<


pete met me about a week ago and we've been hanging out since. i mean, i'm always there and since he knows about me, there isn't really a point in hiding, but yeah i guess you could call it "hanging out."

but we get along well, is what i'm trying to say. we're friends. he's really funny, much funnier then me. he laughs at all my terrible jokes though- which i always appreciate.

it certainly doesn't help my crush on him. if anything, i like him more now then i didn't before. he doesn't know of course, he can never know. i'm sure he doesn't like me back and even if he does it wouldn't work out. he's, like, a human and stuff.

anyways i've gotten very used to his schedule at this point. on weekdays he wakes up around 7am, it usually doesn't take him long to get ready so he leaves around 7:30 (unless he has to pick up patrick, then he leaves a little earlier). then he arrives at school right before the first bell at 7:45.

school lasts until 3pm and then he goes home and does his homework, unless he has band practice. band practice is at patrick's house on wednesdays and fridays. he usually stays there until dinner. sometimes mrs. stump will make food for the band- not every time though since it's hard to cook for three extra people.

his parents are never home in time for dinner so he usually makes himself some instant ramen or a sandwich (it's not the best diet, but it keeps him alive). after that he kind of just does whatever he wants until he gets tired.

his sleep schedule is actual shit though. sometimes he doesn't go to sleep until 4 in the morning. on weekends he tends to sleep all day. sometimes he goes to the mall with his friends, like today.

he's currently straightening his hair before he has to leave.

"you wanna come mikes?" he asks. oh yeah, that's another new thing- mikes. it's just a nickname but it kills me every time he says it. it sounds so natural coming out of his mouth. he says it like we've known each other for years.

"i mean i'll be there no matter what-" i reply with a laugh.

"well i know that but like, do you wanna hang out with us?" he's looking at me through the mirror, "we can figure out how to hide your wings or something."

i think for second. i do really want to hang out with pete and his friends.

"yeah i'll just go into my human form. it'll be fun." i say as i get up from my usual spot on the bean bag. pete looks at me and his eyes widen in what looks like excitement.

"human form?! you can do that? why haven't you mentioned that before?"

i just shrug at him and say, "i don't know...i guess it never came up..." i walk over to the other side of the room, "i've only done this a few times, you should probably stand back." i say and he obeys.

changing into human form is extremely uncomfortable. it kind of hurts but it's not excruciatingly painful. just uncomfortable. i don't like doing it but i don't really have any other options right now.

it's not a slow process, i usually get rid of my horns first. i concentrate really hard and start to feel a sharp pain around my horns before they completely disappear.

i take a deep breath. in and out just for a few seconds. i look over at pete, who is of course staring at me. his mouth is open slightly and his eyes are wide and glistening in complete amazement- it's such a strange expression, and fuck, i want to kiss that stupid look off his stupid face.

the devils right-hand man//petekeyWhere stories live. Discover now