band practice

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it's been about a week since i started looking after pete. i haven't had much trouble really.

i'm kind of struggling to figure out my powers in the main world. ever since that day with the psycho bully i've been practicing. it's becoming very easy for me to move things with my mind- but my other powers? not so much.

for example: walking through walls. sometimes i can do it with ease, other times i walk face first into a door. the same goes for touching things and picking stuff up. i usually don't have trouble with it but other times my hand will just go straight through whatever i'm trying to pick up. does that make sense??

anways. as much as i hate to admit it, but i've really grown to like pete. maybe even a little too much. truth be told, i might have a slight crush on him.

sometimes i just sit and watch him write or play his bass. he's a really talented musician. he's in a band- they're quite good. from what i understand, pete writes a lot of their songs.

his lyrics are amazing. it amazes me how poetic he can be. he's so intelligent and creative...and stupid. god he's so stupid. i have to save him from the stupidest of things. just yesterday he was running barefoot around broken glass; i had to move all the sharp pieces so he wouldn't get hurt.

however i still think my think my job is fairly easy. i don't have to do anything crazy to go out of my way to guard him. (his friend, patrick, is practically a guardian angel so i don't have to do much)

i still wish i could talk to him though. i wish i could be his friend like patrick or brendon. not just the person who keeps him safe. his friend. not just his guardian.

maybe i could take on human form for a day and introduce myself to him? no i cant do that. can i? he probably wouldn't like me anyway. he seems cool. i'm not cool. i'm a nerd, everyone makes fun of me. hell- even the angels think i'm lame.

either way, showing yourself to the human your supposed to be guarding is frowned upon. not necessarily against the rules, just frowned upon.

anyways right now i'm sitting on the ceiling of patricks garbage while pete and his band are practicing...well they aren't really practicing- they're waiting for their other bandmate to show up. joe, i think his name is.

"ugh, where is he?! he was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago!" pete says angrily. he's cute when he's mad. i mean what? he's not cute. that's not what i meant.

"calm down petey. he said he had someone for us to meet, maybe it's a drummer! don't be so impatient..." patrick shaked his head at petes short temper. pete just sighs and sits down, playing some random notes on his bass.

he's wearing a white hoodie that's too big on him sweater-paws. and pete wentz is not the type of person to have sweater-paws, but he's too annoyed at joe's tardiness to notice. he looks so cute and tiny though. fuck! why do i keep calling him cute??

"hey guys sorry i'm late, haha." joe walks in with another guy trailing behind him. "finally decided to show up?" pete asks, rolling his eyes as he speaks.

"yeeah, sorry about that. i had to pick up andy- oh yeah! pete, patrick, meet andy! he plays drums and i was thinking he could practice with us today. is that cool?" joe speaks with a certain amount of coolness in his voice.

"of course! it's nice to meet you andy. i'm patick, and that emo over there is pete." pete gives andy a half nod and patrick holds his hand out for andy to shake. from what i've gathered, patrick is a very polite person.

about an hour later, andy has already learned and figured out half of the songs and he's jamming along with the rest of the band. he's an amazing drummer really.

pretty soon band practice is over and it's time for everyone to go home. joe and andy leave together- and pete starts walking the route home. i follow behind him, flying above the ground. i don't use my wings very often but i guess they're there for a reason.

pete knocks out as soon as he gets home, i guess band practice really wears him out. i mean he does move around like crazy while he's playing so i understand.

i kind of just sit there thinking for a while. i think about how i've been guarding him. i think about how creepy it is that i've been watching his every move.

i think about how cute he is when he's sleeping. i think about how many times i've referred to him as cute. i think about the face he makes when he's writing.

i think that i might be developing a crush on him. i think about how i'll never get to be with him the way i want to be. i think about the way his fingers move on his bass. i wish i was his bass...

hi so this chapter was kind of a filler but yayyy mikey has a crush on pete!! the next chapter is gonna be very interesting so be prepared~

-xo jj

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