follow your instincts

110 6 14

do i update too much?


i'm meeting peter today. well, not "meeting" but i start guarding him today. i start at 5am and it's currently 4:07, so i'm doing all i can to get ready. i'm supposed to enter the main world fifteen minutes before i have to start guarding peter.

you see, when a demon enters the main world (or earth i guess) they become kind of...invisible? you can't see or feel or hear them even if they're there- like a ghost almost (they can even walk through walls, awesome right). you can only see them when they want you to see them...but i'm not supposed to let peter see me...i don't even think i'm allowed to take on human form unless it's an emergency.

anyways i'm supposed to start watching him from 5am to midnight which only gives me a few hours to myself. that's fine though, that should still leave enough time for me to hang out with my friends so i don't mind. and i don't need sleep or anything either. i mean i like sleep but demons don't need sleep to function.

after i finish getting ready i walk downstairs to find gerard and frank sitting at the table, eating and drinking coffee. i guess gerard has the day off. i grab myself a cup and say goodmorning to the two of them.

"you ready mikes?" gerard asks before taking another sip from his mug. am i ready? i mean it can't be hard right? as long as no one is trying to kill peter then this whole guardian thing should be pretty easy right? yeah it'll be easy.

"yeah i'm fuckin ready" i say in a jokingly semi-confident tone. maybe the more i tell my self i can do it, the less nervous i'll be. gerard smiles and turns to frank, asking him something that i don't hear. they're so goddamn cute together. i want to be cute with someone.

right as i'm heading out the door, i feel frank grab my arm. "you might wanna bring a won't be used to the cool temperatures up there." what?? i didn't know i was gonna be able to feel the temperature!! ugh it's fine. i grab a coat out of the closet and walk out of the house. here goes nothing.

i walk towards the hall where i am too be summoned into the main world. it's quite simple actually: theres a group of demons up there who summon other demons when they need to go to earth for the first time. then after they summon you once, you have the ability to go up on your own without being summoned. cool, huh?

i walk up to the front desk of the hall and oh god i forgot alicia worked here. alicia is my ex girlfriend, and let's just say things didn't end very well.

"hello! how can i- oh, it's you. what do you want mikey?" her voice is harsh. as usual. i slowly rock back and forth on my feet out of nervousness.

"i uh...i need to be summoned to the main land...i start my guardianship today- or i mean-" she cuts me off with a sigh before picking up the phone next to her and dialing a number.

"yeah...uh huh...okay i have michael way here, says he needs to be summoned to the main land...yeah....okay." she talks into the phone while smacking her gum. so annoying.

"they need to know where you need to be summoned to." she holds the phone out to me.

"oh um chicago illinois." i speak softly and shyly into the phone and then she presses it back to her ear.

"did ya get that?....chicago yeah...uh huh....okay." she hangs up.

alicia looks back at me before saying, "okay stand right there. they're going to summon you up now- it might be a bit scary but it'll be over quickly." i nod at her and walk over to where she told me to go.

theres a symbol painted on the ground, one i've definitely seen before. i stand right in the middle of it and as soon as a i do, it starts glowing a bright firey-red (kinda like my brothers hair). before i have much time to process whats going on, i get a strange feeling all over my body. it feels like my soul is being sucked out of me.

oh, so thats what being summoned feels like...i dont like it.

i look around and notice my surroundings fading away into something else. i look at the ground no longer see the symbol i was standing on. the ground almost looks like a road- wait, it is a road. fuck i'm in the street-

i look up and see a huge truck coming right at me. oh god, oh no. why aren't they stopping??? oh right they can't see me. wait if they can't see me then that means....

right then, the car goes straight through me. and i don't feel a thing. this is awesome! i'm like a ghost! woooh!

i look down at my watch that reads 5 o'clock, perfect. okay now i have to find peter. gerard said that once i was here i would just be drawn to him naturally. he said that i should follow my instincts and go where my feet take me and that would lead me to him. and right now my feet are going...left. okay, peter must be to the left then.

i keep walking and walking until i get to a house with a mailbox that says "wentz" in bold lettering. found him. i look around and notice the surrounding houses. they all look the same for the most part, only with minor differences. some have red rooves and some have white doors.

i slowly walk up to the front of peters house and walk through the the door with ease. awesome. once i'm in the house i take a good look around. i'm sure peter is still sleeping so i can take my time exploring.

i walk into the hallway which is filled with photographs and family pictures. i stumble upon one that has lettering on the bottom which reads "pete wentz, junior year." he has a few tattoos! thats crazy- he's younger then me for christ's sake (haha...christ...get it? because i'm a demon) and woah...he' like he is really really really hot.

okay focus mikey, you're here to protect him- not fuck him.

something is telling me to walk into the room at the end of the hallway and so i do- i walk in and i see him. fast asleep, cuddled up with at least five blankets- and damn i feel so creepy.

i don't even know this kid yet here i am, in his house, in his room. the worst part is that he doesn't even know i'm here. actually maybe it's a good thing that he doesn't know i'm here- that would probably scare him.

i mean imagine waking up and seeing a tall guy with horns and wings staring over your bed! totally scary.

right then, peter starts stirring in his sleeping. oh no, okay- he doesn't know i'm here right?? what if he does? okay mikey calm down.

his breathe starts quickening and he looks kind of...scared? and then it hit me- he's dreaming. duhh mikes- you idiot. okay so what do i do? i don't want him to have a nightmare...gerard said to follow my instincts?

"h-hey peter, uh- its's okay you're just dreaming- uh i-it'll be over soon it's okay..." his breathing starts going back to normal and he relaxes into his pile of blankets.

woah. could he actually hear me? no no he must have just stopped dreaming or something.

i look around at all of the music related posters in his room. there's a green day one and a bon jovi one. along with a red and black bass guitar with a cool bat-thing against the wall. there's also papers scattered around the floor. i notice a guitar pick on the floor- frank plays guitar and i know how much he hates loosing his picks- so i pick it up and place it on the desk.

i plop myself down onto the bean bag, and hope that peter will wake up soon (i feel really weird watching him sleep). i look over at the clock that reads 6:15. that's good...he should be getting up for school soon.

i think i might actually be good at this- as long as nothing bad happens.

i really like specifying the time in my stories. also it makes me really uncomfortable writing "peter" but that's all mikey knows him as so i have no choice lol also this chapter was hella long!! i hope you liked it

-jj :p

the devils right-hand man//petekeyWhere stories live. Discover now