calm before the storm

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there's homophobic slurs in this chapter so tw?? i'm sorry ^_^


it's thursday and normally i would be at school right now but the principal sent everyone home when we showed up this morning. something about remodeling the cafeteria? i don't really care- all i care about is that i don't have to go to school.

i didn't really wanna go home so i'm sitting in a field next to a cliff. my dad used to bring me here to fly kites when i was a kid, and it became my favorite place. right now i'm doing what i do best. writing a song.

i haven't gotten very far- all i have is the first verse: "i sat outside my front window, this story's going somewhere, he's well hung and I am hanging up. there's a song on the radio that says 'let's get this party started' so let's get this party started"

i might change a few things when i show it to the band. but i think it's pretty good.

i'm just enjoying the fresh air and writing when i hear someone yell my name. i turn around and- i don't know who i thought i would see but i definitely wasn't expecting bob bryar.

"oh look, the emo is scared again." great, right when i was having a good day. i think over my options. i could either run, fight back, or take the beating.

i decide to run, which clearly wasn't the correct option. as soon as i try to sprint away, bob gets ahold of me and throws me to the ground. okay then- i guess i'll have to fight back.

right when he's about to punch me i catch his fist and kick him in know. and lets just say he didn't like that.

"how'd you pull that little stunt in the hall last week huh, wentz? how did you make me freeze like that?!" he screams at me.

"i-i don't know it w-wasn't me" to be honest, i didn't know and it really wasn't me, but bob didn't seem to care though. he punches me and i fall to the ground.

"yes you do you faggot! what did you do to me?!"

"i didn't do anything to you! you're fucking crazy-"

he cuts me off with a punch to the mouth and i yell in pain. why did i think fighting back was a good idea?? it just made him more mad!

"get up faggot!" bob growls. i slowly push myself up off the floor. i know i probably look terrified and beat up but i really don't want piss him off more then he already is.

he walks closer and closer to me and i have to back up closer to the edge of the cliff. and then bob grabs hold of my collar.

"i don't know what you did to me wentz, but you're going to pay-" he screams and pushes me and i struggle not to collapse. i turn to look at the edge of the cliff- it's so close, probably less then two feet away.

he pushes me again and again until my feet no longer have ground underneath them and before i can contemplate what's happening, i'm falling. oh god i'm falling.

i'm falling.

i'm falling.

i'm falling.

i'm- flying?

the valley underneath me gets further and further away. am i hovering or something?? then i realize that something- (or someone?), has a firm grip around me and i'm being lifted up. whoever is holding onto me definitely isn't gonna let me fall.


oh my god. oh my god! the psycho bully is hurting pete- and i can't do anything! i'm trying so hard to use my powers and make him stop like i did last time but it isn't working. why isn't it working?!

he's pushing him closer the the edge until he falls off the cliff. oh god pete's falling- if he hits the ground he could and get even more hurt- maybe even die. what kind of guardian demon would i be if i let him die?!

i'm going to have to take on my natural form- i don't care if he can see me. i clearly can't do anything when i'm in this ghost-like state, and if my other powers aren't working, i doubt i'll be able to grab pete without my hand just going right through him.

i go into my natural form before quickly diving after him. i wrap my arms hightly around him, flapping my wings behind me as fast as i can. i fly up with pete in my arms. i go far passed the cliff and place pete gently on a soft patch of grass.

after i put him down i back away from him, unsure of how he'll react to seeing me. he's probably terrified! he just fell off a cliff and now a demon is standing in front of him...thats not exactly an ideal way of spending your day. he sits up and groans in pain.

"wh-what just happened? what are y-you? who are you? how did you-" he asks as he looks up at me. i walk closer to him slowly and he backs away from me, clearly scared.

"peter...pete i know you're probably really scared and confused right now but, uh- i'm mikey and i'm your guardian demon...i know that probably sounds really weird but you don't have to be afraid, okay? i'm here to protect you. i'm not going to hurt you." i try to speak in a calm tone but my voice comes out shaky and full of nervousness.

pete looks at me with wide eyes and opens his mouth to say something but no words come out. i lean down on the ground so i'm on his level. i reach out to touch him and he flinches.

"pete, i'm just trying to fix your black eye...can you please let me help you?" i speak softly so i don't startle him and he nods. i carefully place my fingers over his bruised face and start healing his wounds.

once he's completely healed i move away and give him some space. we sit in silence for a few moments until he finally says,

"t-thank you...for saving me. i mean i would've died if you hadn't, you know..."

"of course. it is my job after all." i grin at him and he offers me a small smile. i can tell he's still scared and kind of unsure of whether he can trust me or not. but he seems to be more comfortable now that he knows i'm not a threat.

"so, you're my guardian demon? how does that work?" he asks.

"yes i am. my job is to basically look after you, keep you safe and protect you from anything dangerous- and to make sure you don't die when you fall off a cliff." i say with an amused tone. he laughs and i swear my heart exploded just then.

he thinks for a second before speaking again, "how long have you been looking after me?"

"only a few weeks. i started around mid-september, after my birthday" i reply.

"why have i never seen you before?"

"well, when i'm here on earth, i'm like a ghost. nobody can see me...unless i let them that is- that's why you can see me right now. it's like a light switch, whenever the switch is off you can't see me. but when i turn in on you can. does that make sense?" i probably over-explained that but he nods anyway.

"i um...i like your wings..." he says shyly. i smile at his strange compliment. that's not something i hear very often.

i stand up before helping him up onto his feet. i grab all of his stuff for him and make sure he's okay before we start walking back to his house.

while we walk he asks me various questions about how i've been guarding him and what it's like to be a demon. i answer all of them of course.

eventually we get to his house and i help him to his room. he collapses on his bed and fall asleep instantly. i don't mind though, he deserves a nap after everything he just went through.

i quietly sit down on the bean bag in the corner and listen to his soft snores. i contemplate everything that just happened... today was a very interesting day.

ahhhh pete finally met him!! hope u liked this chapter, it was a longer one lol. chapters will definitely be getting longer.

-jj ♡

the devils right-hand man//petekeyWhere stories live. Discover now