like he doesn't matter

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"you're home later then usual." i hear, as soon as i walk into my house. it startles me and i look to see gerard sitting on the couch, waiting for me.

"yeah sorry, i was uh...doing stuff." i say, trying not to think of what pete and i were doing less than an hour ago.

gerard pats the spot on the couch next to him, silently asking me to sit. i walk over and place myself next to him, already knowing somethings wrong.

"mikey, i know." he says in the most mono-toned voice and i look at him confused, "i know you're with a human." and almost instantly i feel my eyes fill up with tears because i know what he's going to say next.

"i love you mikey, i do, and i know you've probably already gotten attached but you have to breakup with him. you know that right?" he stands up from his spot on the couch.

"w-who even told you?" i ask with betrayal in my voice, ignoring what he said.

"mark was on business in chicago, he saw you two together." he replies and i shake my head, of course it would be someone like mark.

"listen, i'll be more careful okay p-please don't make me leave him-" i feel myself become more and more broken with each word.

"no! i'm trying to be nice but- what were you thinking michael? it's frowned upon to even talk to a human and you're trying to have a relationship with one? that's literally against the law!" he's yelling and there's tears running down my face now.

"you're breaking up with him- that's a demand not a request. i can't believe you would go out and fuck a pathetic human."

he's mad. of course he is. i broke one of the most important rules. but that still doesn't stop me from defending the boy i love- "d-don't talk about pete like that!"

"like what?" he asks, crossing his arms

"like- like he doesn't matter!"

"because he doesn't! he never will! come on mikey...did you really think this was going to work? a demon and a human?" he shakes his head slowly before softening his voice, "do you have any idea what people will do to you if they find out? demons in the passed have been put to death for this- and i can't even imagine what they'd do to pete."

"b-but that's not going to happen to us! y-you're in charge...they'll listen to you!" i stand up as well so we're eye to eye.

"you know they never listen to me- it's a lost cause. mikes...listen, i've decided to hand over my job as the devil to you, and everyone will go crazy if they know their king is with a human. it just wouldn't work."

"you''re making me-" i don't even finish my sentence. it's all too much. first, gerard is telling me that i have to breakup with pete- and now he's telling me that i have to become the devil?

"i know you think i'm ruining your life, but this is all for the best, mikey. i'm doing this to protect you." he says, putting his hand on my shoulder. i don't push him away, i just stand there- completely still.

my legs feel like jelly- i sit back down on the couch so i don't fall. my head is spinning with everything gerard just told me. i'm going to have so many new responsibilities- and the worst part is that i won't have pete with me anymore.

i'm not mad- i don't have anyone to be mad at except for myself. gerard and mark only did what they thought was best. and it probably is what's best. i couldn't live with myself if something bad happened to pete.

"i'm going to assign a new guardian for him. i'll give you one more day to spend with him, but then you have to end it." gerard says while walking towards the door to leave, knowing that i probably want to be alone.

"i-i love him, gee..." my voice is so quite, i bet he can barely hear it.

"i know, i'm sorry mikey." he replies and i nod in a silent 'it's okay'

"you'll become the devil next week. there's usually a big ceremony but- i won't make you do that"


"okay, good luck baby brother." he offers me a sympathetic smile before walking up to his room.

i'm going to be the devil. i have to leave pete. i'll be the king of hell. i won't be able to kiss pete anymore. i'll be in charge...wait- i'll be in charge.



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