Chapter 15 - Homeward from Gibraltar Pt. 2/4

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23th of January 1941


Scapa Flow Naval Base, Orkney, Scotland.

     A Type VIIC U-boat surfaced itself just outside Scapa Flow. An inflatable rubber boat was launched by the U-boat before it submerged. Aboard the boat were Eleonore, Gneisenau and Scharnhorst who were all disguised as male Royal Navy officers. They quickly began rowing the boat to the shore with the cover of darkness as they were only given two hours to accomplish their objectives.

     They landed the boat not far from Scapa Flow and made their way on foot to the Section F of the naval base using a detailed and accurate map provided to them by the B-Dienst

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     They landed the boat not far from Scapa Flow and made their way on foot to the Section F of the naval base using a detailed and accurate map provided to them by the B-Dienst. Little did they know, a man has been secretly following them since the moment they landed.

     As they prepared to enter the base however, they were approached by the man who has been following them all the time. He was dressed in the Royal Navy officer uniform and he was of course, Y/n. Eleonore doesn't recognize him however as his peaked cap were not giving her clear view of his face but Y/n knew it was her.

Y/n: "I don't think any Royal Navy officers have a reason to wander, especially at Midnight."

Eleonore: "We were lost. Do you mind leading us in?"

Y/n: "I am sorry but that's not very convincing, Eleonore."

     Y/n took off his peaked cap and revealed his face to the group. He looked at both Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, he could see through their disguises. He took out a glasses and wore it.

     In Eleonore's mind, she couldn't hold it anymore. She wanted to go hug Y/n right there on the spot but she also had to stick to the mission. She decided to stick to the mission first.

Eleonore: "...Arrest him."

     Scharnhorst charged at Y/n as he took a defensive stance. She was thrown to the ground rather easily by Y/n as she tried to apprehend him.

Y/n: "You have a minute to run before I raise the alarms."

Eleonore: "You will have to come with us first."

Y/n: "We'll se-"

     Scharnhorst pulled Y/n to the ground while he was distracted by Eleonore. To the surprise of all three of them, Y/n allowed himself to be apprehended by Scharnhorst without even resisting.

Y/n: "There you go. Do whatever you want to me."

Gneisenau: [G] "Sister, keep your eyes on him. He might have a few more tricks up his sleeve."

Y/n: [G]​ "You don't need to, unless you're that afraid of me."

     Both Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were surprised by the fact that Y/n could speak German so fluently. They moved to a cliff overlooking Scapa Flow to interrogate Y/n.

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