After dinner... tea?

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She insisted but I took the cab home with her to make sure she got home.

"Although you are very valiant and chivalrous to take me home, I'm a big girl and do this quite often," she stared at me from across the backseat of the taxi.

"What's that? Take advantage of young men buying you dinner?"

She grabbed my arm and I took her hand before she could pull back. Her hand was soft, her fingers intertwined with mine.

"You're really 24?" she whispered.

I nodded slowly and Skylar just faintly smiled. She turned toward the window with the blinding lights of the city passing us by. She didn't look at me again, but I continued to stare at her while she was lost in thought. I wondered what she was thinking. She looked sad and I could feel the distance growing between us, even though we were so close to each other. Occasionally she squeezed my hand and the distance would disappear.

I didn't want the night to end but sure enough Skylar called out to the driver. "Here on the right is good."

I rushed to get out my wallet but Skylar had hers in hand already.

"Please," she said quietly refusing.

There was a shift in the mood. The distance had returned. I thought I offended her in some way or she wanted me to be more forward. I didn't feel drunk but maybe she thought I was. Did she think I was just trying to get her into bed? We did drink quite a bit but my excitement kept me sober. She opened the car door and I followed. I walked behind Skylar as she searched her purse for keys.

I hadn't really been able to see Skylar all evening, not all of her. Her face was beautiful, her laugh infectious and her smell intoxicating. I stumbled slightly over my own feet. Skylar was slim in the hips, wearing tight jeans and stiletto boots. Her cream coat hugged her body revealing her small waist.

"You know," she spun around too fast that she caught me staring at her legs.

I grinned and looked away.

"That dimple of yours must drive girls crazy," she sighed taking a couple of steps forward to bridge the gap between us.

"You tell me," I said. I searched her face and could tell she was doing the same. I felt like a man standing in front of her, not a college student, the young up and coming lawyer, the sidekick to Nate.

"I would say that it does something," she whispered. Skylar seemed breathless. "I don't think I'm tired just yet. Are you up for coffee? There's a little shop around the corner I go to."

I smiled. "Actually some tea would be nice."

Skylar nibbled her lip. "Right, being English and all tea makes sense." She nodded and I fell in step along her side, not saying a word but feeling the attraction drawing us closer together. I shoved my hands in my pockets, my arm just brushing against hers. When her hand slid around my wrist, I looked down at her with surprise. She was staring up at me, gently smiling.

She just shrugged and sighed, "Hmph."

We walked into the coffee shop, the bell ringing as the door slammed behind us. The man behind the counter pointed to an empty table. I felt the stares from everyone around us as we sat down. I hoped Skylar didn't notice but her eyes floating around the room said otherwise. When she finally made eye contact with me, I smiled broadly and hoped that she wasn't affected.

"You alright?"

Her shoulders relaxed and she nodded. "I'm alright."

We talked for hours until the place emptied out. I had cups of tea and convinced Skylar to try some of mine. She politely accepted and was pleasantly surprised, vowing to drink tea more often and switching from coffee for the remainder of the night.

When We Were YoungOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora