Part V

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The sun was setting and I was underdressed. I should have known but I forgot how quickly the city gets cold without the sun beating down and the warmth getting trapped in between the buildings.

I wasn't thinking when I packed – even though I had hours before I boarded the plane – I thought Manhattan would be warmer and underestimated the autumn weather.

Walking with purpose, I kept a steady pace to keep the blood flowing and dodging the packs of people crowding the sidewalks. It was well after five and commuters were hurrying to get out of the city and locals trying to get to somewhere else but work.

I cut through Madison Square Park – past the barking dogs in the dog run, people sitting on benches reading, and past a group of girls standing around laughing. They couldn't have been more than fourteen, maybe younger. I wasn't too good with guessing the age of teenage girls.

But I was brought up short when I realized how old they probably were, and how old I was, and the reality of it all. And a reality that never came to pass. 

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