Part VII

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I used to wonder if I would run into Skylar in an airport somewhere. Maybe she'd want to visit London again and I'd see her on the street. Would she recognize me, or would I recognize her? Of course, I would. Even if it had been thirty years of not seeing each other, I don't think it would be possible not to.

In the scheme of things, five years of a life together is not long. We spend how many years at University, or sometimes fewer years at a job? But you remember those people—not everyone, but those you are close to. Forgetting them seems impossible. How could I not think of her everyday?

I saw a piece of her in me when I looked in the mirror. I would hear myself talk, say a certain word, and think to myself – that's Skylar talking. I don't know if those influences faded away or just became a part of who I am.

Sometimes I'd get caught looking at someone who resembled her – but never looking exactly like her – and tried to imagine what she would look like now. Nobody could look like her. There was never another woman who had her color eyes, whose infectious laugh immediately made my smile, or could touch me and send my body into small spasms.

I worried that maybe she never had these deep-rooted doubts, and I have been living a lie.

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