Chapter 12: Shirakami Fubuki have a new friend

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Next day when Fubuki came to school, a familiar face shows up.

"Fubuki! Fubuki! How did it go? Is your Onechan Happy?"

Aki learn that quote from the TV, the man in it look very happy after the women do it, so she figures this should work for Fubuki.

Curious of the actual result, she ask Fubuki.

"Baka! Onechan just snap my face and scolded me! Aki is a baka!!" With a angry face, Fubuki complain to Aki.

"But, but they all look so happy though?" Aki is confused.

"I don't care! Aki is a Baka!"

Angry Fubuki puff her face and stare at Aki.

Hmph! Its all because of her that it ended up like this.

"Teehee, sorry sorry, it's my fault" Asking for forgiveness, Aki put up a sorry face but with a hidden smile.

"Forgive me pleaseeee..."

A frustrated Fubuki look cute.

"I want something as an apology!" Fubuki demand

"...Alright I will buy you burger for lunch"

"Yay! Aki is the best"

Fubuki immediately change from angry to happy in matter of seconds, hugging Aki in the process.

Aki sighed, wondering how much burger it will cost until Fubuki sell her away.

Maybe 2? Perhaps... 3.

"So, what did you end up doing for your onechaan." Aki is curious

Fubuki blushes suddenly.

Fubuki blushes suddenly

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"Uhh..uh..Its doesn't matter to you! Hmph!"

Aki feel something might not be right, but she can't find out why.

Trying to change the topic, Fubuki hurried to class while holding Aki's hand.

"Cl..Class is starting soon! Let's go!"

Having fun for the whole day, Fubuki went back home happily.

Aki bought a MCB burger for her, which is near her school, so she can proudly proclaim that today is a fruitful day for her.

Wonder what will Onechan cook for today? Some burgers will be nice. But recently I ate too much, so I think it probably will be something else.

But still yesterday experience of kissing Onechan...

Fubuki face turns red again.


Fubuki after a lot of thought, finally reaches home.

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