What If I Just...

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I climbed out the window and stuck to the wall the best I could, cautiously sliding to the side to get where I needed to go so I could get onto the roof. I finally got to the spot and I jumped upwards, the drop onto the city streets looked devastating if I fell. I latched my hands onto the ledge of the rooftop and I quickly hoisted myself up onto the roof. I stood up and dusted me and my blue hoodie and black jeans off and then turned around, sitting on my bottom as I did. The night was humid and warm, so I took my hoodie and mask off, setting them beside me as I wiped sweat off of my face. The city in the middle of the night was just so..stunning. I've never seen a city before in my life, personally, but I've seen the camp by our cabin in the woods light up with lights from all the houses. I remember watching it light up and twinkle for the first time. It was beautiful. The lights from the city, cars, billboards, and just everything there reminded me of my mom. She always loved to collect shiny things or things that twinkled in her eyes. I also remember when I was younger and just learning to walk, I was wondering outside of the cabin and then I found purple glass meant to look like a pebble. At first when I found it, I had thought of eating it, but, my mom was coming outside to get me. I remember what she said clear as day. "Jonathan! C'mon sweetie, its dinner time!" "Mommy! Mommy! Lookie!" "Oh? Whatcha got there, little squirt?" "A p-..purple pebble! For youuu!!" "Aw! How sweet of you, Jonathan! I will cherish this little pebble with a purple color forever, my little pumpkin cake! Now, come along. Dinner is on the table waiting." ...Then she took me inside for dinner. I didn't exactly expect it, but I knew I was crying. Everytime I think about my mom, my powers go a bit crazy and the water boils up inside me, then I cry them out. However, though, my tears were going upwards into the sky instead of down onto the roof. Confused, I stopped crying and observed the last of my tears float up into the dark, cloudy sky of the night. I suddenly felt a pain in my side..and it began to burn. I whimpered at first, but, as it burned more and more, I started yelling and screaming in pain. I lifted my black t-shirt to see a metal and flashing red thing implanted on my side, when the burning feeling came from. I grabbed and pulled on it, until it finally came off of my side. I threw it off of the roof and watched it plummet to the city streets. The door to the roof opened with a bang and I turned around to see someone I thought I'd never see again..

A Magic Touch (Delirious X Vanoss X Cartoonz)Where stories live. Discover now