What just happened

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Hi my name is Nickie and if you haven't guessed yet this story is about me and how I met my soulmate.  Oh yeah did I mention that he's a werewolf?
Perhaps I should start at the beginning, ok let me think oh yeah it went like this.

I was on my way to work, I work at the public library and some jackass thought it would be funny to splash me with the rain water that collected in the street.  I don't live too far away so I just walk cuz why not? But thanks  to that dick my clothes are all wet, I mean seriously who does that? I really don't have time to go back and change, I'm going to be late if I do.  It would the third time this month.  I swear the second time wasn't my fault  the battery in my phone died.  The first time ok yeah that was my fault I was really tired and hit snooze one too many times.  I was not getting in trouble with my boss because some jerk acts like a five year old.  Little did I know that my day would only get worse.
As soon as I walked in Jimmy started laughing. 
"What the hell happened to you?" He asked.
"O you know I was going for a new look, wet is in this year.  What do you think some jackass thought it would be funny to act as Shamu at SeaWorld and I was in the soak zone.  I didn't have time to turn back or I would be late for the meeting today.  Speaking of is the boss in?" I asked.
"No Jesse isn't here yet probably will be in a few minutes though," Jimmy answers.
"Yay! I can TRY to dry myself," I say as I pass him heading for the bathroom.
"Good luck with that!" I hear Jimmy say as he starts to laugh again.
I won't bore you with the details of how my clothes were officially messed up for the day or how boring our meeting went or how as I walked out of the meeting room my boss complained about how I looked unprofessional with my clothes looking how they did.
Today I was working in the back logging returns the old fashioned way because the computers were down once again.  Man today could not end fast enough! Which is something I never thought I would say.  I love my job mostly because I love books and getting to read.  Today I was just not having a good day.
It was late when I left because even though it was Sandra's day to fix the stacks she had to leave early he poor son Leo got sick and threw up on his teacher.  Poor guy he's only ten and I know he tends to get embarrassed easily.  I really didn't mind doing it for her but I really want to take a shower and put some CLEAN clothes on.
It was dark out when I started walking home.  The breeze felt nice and I could hear a softball game at the school nearby.  I was half way home when something felt off.  I didn't stop walking though I just kept walking while reaching for my keys.  My cousin who tends to be WAY overpertective gave me I mini foghorn as a keychain because I didnt want the taser.  With my luck I would have tasted myself.
Just as my hand closed around the keychain something hit me in the back of the head really freaking hard, the last thing I thought before I blacked out was what the hell just hit me.

how I met my soul mateWhere stories live. Discover now