where do I sleep?

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Ok, I know that it's only been four days but I'm going stir crazy over here.  The doc said that I can leave tomorrow so I guess I can hold on for one more day.  The best part of this is "ahem" I'M FINALLY CLEAN! I think I may have used all of their hot water for the month but I'm sorry, not sorry.  I also made another new discovery, I no longer have any hair from the neck down.  Well that's awesome I never have to shave again!
EZ bought me some new clothes he said but for some reason all the shirts he brought are his.  I guess so that I can smell like him?  I don't really mind though I love his sent, if I could I would bottle it and make a candle or something.  It's a mixture of fresh forest sent, clean sheets or some kind of soap, and just him.  I don't know how to explain it just something masculan.
He said I smell like citrus flowers, wild honeysuckle, and rain.  And that was before my shower.  I thought his nose had to be broken because to me I just stunk.
Finally I can leave the hospital, yesterday EZ almost begged me to stay.  You see I'm from Arizona and I've been gone quite a while now.  So I compromised, I agreed to stay, because honestly even though we are just getting to know one another I can't imagine leaving him.  He's the piece of me I never knew was missing till I found him.  He said it was the mate bond so at first I was kinda mad, like did that mean this wasn't real?
He said, " of course this is real it just helps us find each other!"
Anyway, my compromise was to call my cousin and explain how yes I got taken, and I knew it was some chick but didn't know who she was.  It was better to be vague.  I didn't want him to ever run into her.  Also we had to tell him about EZ being my boyfriend and how I decided to move in with him after I was freed.
I'm not really looking forward to that part of the call to be honest.  For one, sigh, hes going to be SO pissed.  Two hes going to want to come here to give him the fifth degree.  Not to mention chew me out for not calling once I was free.
Dont get me wrong I love 'em but like I said he gets hella protective.  EZ said he likes him already and welcomes the inquisition.
I'm sitting on the hospital bed swinging my feet, I'm wearing the new black converse, crazy socks, dark blue capris, and one of EZ's favorite black tshirts that he brought to me last night.  He even had his cousin Cynthia buy me some black boy shorts and a matching bra.  She said that he had her go get all my underwear for me.
"Omg I'm so sorry he made you do that!" I said.
"It's not a problem I had fun shopping, it's a hobby I enjoy and you have made my cousin really happy so it's a win- win for me," she smiles.  "Oh and dont worry you do have feminine tops in your closet.  This is just his way of reminding other males that your his."  That should bug me but it doesn't I find it flattering.
A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts and there he is leaning against the door frame.  "Ready?" He asks.  I hop off the bed and walk to him smiling, "yes what took you so long?" I ask.  He smiles "work, being alpha comes with a lot of work."  "Let's get out of here and we can get you can settled in."  He leads me out of the hospital and to his car it's a GT350 Shelby Mustang, its midnight blue with white racing stripes.
Omg! he is so lucky I dont really drive because I lust his car!
"You know you have drool coming out of your mouth," he teases.  I just flip him off and open the door and get in.  He's got a sexy laugh, I know cuz hes laughing at me, jerk.  He gets in next to me and whispers in my ear, "we can do that when we get home.  Unless you don't mind people watching me make you scream my name as you cum.  I however want that sight to be only for me."
Holy fuck balls! I think my panties just incinerated, and if I'm not mistaken, I'm redder than a tomato.
He starts the car and we get home VERY quickly.  I guess he wasn't kidding, holy shit now I'm nervous.  Ok I have a confession to make I haven't done it before.
He leads me into a legit mansion, and I have a feeling the only tour I'm about to get is of his bed.  Turns out I'm half wrong.  It's our bed, before I completely lose my head I pump the breaks.  YES! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I STOPPED US FROM DOING THE HORIZONTAL MOMBO.
"I'm sorry, I-I'm not ready just yet, dont get me wrong I really want to but this is going WAY too fast!" I say really quickly.
"Nickie, calm down it's fine I'm down for cuddling only, as long as your with me that's all that matters." Ez says with an easy smile.  I love this man!

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