threats and hostages

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Today started as any other day, I was sparing with Alex, when the alarm sounded.  Rogues! Rogues crossed the border!
I called out through the mind link, ALL NON COMBATANTS GET TO THE SAFE ROOMS NOW!
Ez called out to our fighters to take action, he privately told Alex to take me to Cynthia and Adri, they were at our house with Bryon.
We started for the house, we just got inside when they jumped us.  Using my training I was able to take out two and hold off the third till Alex could help me.  "Shit, where's my cousins," I whisper yelled. "I tried using my mind link three times, why aren't they answering me!"
"We will find them Luna, we should call the Alpha and Beta," he whispers.  I nod and send them a link, their snarls are deafening, I know they are coming.  We make our way through the house, following their scents Alex leads us upstairs.  Just before we enter the office Alex is hit hard from behind.  I turn to see whose behind us, and the doors swing open behind me I turn sideways to see both ways.  There's a rogue holding each of my family members with knives to their throats.
The rogue who hit Alex is the one to speak, "you will come with us or they all die!"
I can tell by the way they look they aren't joking, I also see Bryon is in very bad shape.  I don't have the luxury to argue, "fine, but leave everyone here unharmed."
He gave me a creepy smile and told the others to let my family go.  Bryon slumps to the floor, Cynthia and Adri move to him.  They look at me pleading with their eyes not to go.  But I have to, as Luna it's my my job to take care of my pack, as their family I will always do what I can to protect them.  I may be going with them for now, but that doesn't mean I won't fight back when the time is right, I need to get these assholes away from my family.  The first chance I get I'm kicking their asses!
My chance comes when we are near the border.  The guy holding me let's just say if he hasn't had kids yet, he's never going to.  I was able to get three then they ganged up on me and I got clocked from behind.  My last thought was "Fuck!"

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