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Ok incase you were wondering about our wedding here is how it went down.

Once again Cynthia and Adri were helping me get ready for a ceremony, only today it's my wedding. My hair is done in loose curls, and pulled back in the front. Only two curls frame my face, one on each side. My circlet is on my head (you know, the one I wore at the last ceremony I was in). I opted for no veil, balls-e I know. My makeup is soft but highlights my eyes. The girls promised that it's waterproof (you know just incase). My lips are a light shade of pink, and the girls didn't really have to use any blush, because well I was living up to the old saying. You know the one about the blushing bride.
I'm also wearing my necklace that looks like my mark.
My dress has a sweetheart neck line, the bust is form fitting but not tight. With a high waste line, the bottom flares outward. It sort of looks like a an upside down Easter lily. The sleeves are long and flare at the ends, like an medieval gown's would. My dress is actually an extremely light shade of pink, because my twins are in attendance after all, and I thought maybe white was pushing it.
The twins are being held by Alex and Jo, his lovely mate. She is seriously one of the nicest people I know. That's not saying she doesn't have any sass, she can hold her own if she needs to.
I'm wearing strappy sandals with kitten heals, because the ceremony is once again going to be on the training field. The last thing I need is to fall on my face.
"Ok you're ready and it's time," Adri says softly.
Turning from the mirror to to look at the girls I can't keep the smile from my face. They look good in the dresses I picked, the color is a light periwinkle that actually looks great with their skin tone. The dresses them selves are simple, they can even be worn on a regular basis.
"Let's go," Cynthia says turning for the door. We head down stairs, and go to the back door, the girls go first. Now it's my turn breathing out I start my walk. I look up at Ez and everyone else fades to the background.
He looks so amazing in his tux, his smile is blinding. The look in his eyes though, omg if I ever had any doubts that he loves me (which I don't) they would disappear.
When I finally reach him (I hope I didn't run down the aisle), we reach of each others hands at the same time. Then the priest begins, I think I only started paying attention to him when he started saying: "Do you Ezekiel Rey Lunas take Nickie Marie Rosas as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold through sickness and health, for richer or poor, through good times and bad times, with respect and love and faithfulness till death do you part?" "I Do," Ez says proudly. AND do you Nickie Marie Rosas take Ezekiel Rey Lunas as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold through sickness and health, for richer or poor, through good times and bad times, with respect and love and faithfulness till death do you part?" "I do," I say. With that we exchange our rings both inscribed with "forever mine", "With the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife," before he could even say that Ez could kiss me he was. I'm vaguely aware of the laughter, the cheers are loud. Ez doesn't stop kissing me till the wolf whistles start. Laughing we turn to our pack, Ez is proud of the fact I'm still dazed from the kiss, I swear that man shorts out my brain. Though our private link he tells me, "wait till tonight we're not sleeping!" Sweet Jesus, now I'm anxious to go home. Adri and Angel are going to be watching the kids for us.
Our reception was so fun but feels a little like a blur at the moment. We only stayed as long as we needed to. Then we made our escape, Ez wasn't kidding. I think I'll be walking funny for a week. Right now I'm flopped on top of him, I can't feel my bones. I'm starting to fall asleep lulled but the steady rhythm of his heart and his gentle caresses on my back. Just before sleep can pull me under I mumble "I love you" and he says, "I love you more."

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