mates as in soulmates?

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I didn't mean to but I ran my fingers through his hair. It was even softer than it looked. It was the same color as his fur, ok that's weird to say but I'm starting to get used to it already. You know me being a total nerd an' all.
He let out what sounded like a contented sigh, so I did it again. Man he is handsome and I probably should stop touching his hair now. As soon as I do he mumbles a protest. "Don't stop that feels good."
I can't help the little giggle that escapes me he sound so cute and hes snuggling my other hand.
He sits up rubbing one of his eyes clearing it then really focuses on me.
I clear my throat, "hi, um my name is Nickie Rosas who are you? And where am I?"
He blinks at me then he give me a total panty dropper smile, to say I have butterflies in my stomach wouldn't do it justice.
"Hi it's so nice to meet you my name is Ezekiel. You can call me EZ." He said with his amazing voice.
I couldn't stop my stupid tongue before I said, "why? cuz you're ez on the eyes?" Me and my stupid mouth.
He just laughed "am I thanx I was thinking the same about you," he says with that smile of his.
"I think you should put the light on and rub your eyes more or get them checked because otherwise that's the worst lie I've ever heard," I say crossing my arms over my chest. Or trying to he won't let go of my hand for some reason, not that I want to complain but after everything that I've been through I shouldn't let my guard down.
He noticed that I started to pull away from him and frowned with a sad look entering his eyes. "I would never hurt you, and Nickie you are beautiful dont let anyone ever say otherwise. I've waited my whole life to meet you!" He said with such honesty in his eyes there was no doubt that he told me the truth.
"What do you mean your whole life? We just met and you sound like your headed to love or something," I give a nervous laugh.
"Would it scare you if I did?" He quietly asks. He waits for my answer but I'm so taken aback by it I don't know what to say.
"Let's start again Hi I'm Ezekiel Lunas, I'm the Alpha of Luna Rosa pack. That means I'm a werewolf which you already saw. You're my mate that's what I mean when I say I've waited my whole life for you." He explains as he holds my hand.
"I know this is a lot to process and I probably should have spaced this out more but something tells me you can handle it." He says with that smile of his.
"If I didn't still feel the pain from what that witch did to me I would have thought I was dreaming," I say very nonchalant. "Your lucky I read a lot and apparently adapted quickly," I return his smile. "You still haven't said where I am though." I remind him.
"Your at our pack hospital and the doctor wants you to stay here a few more days to make sure your alright. At my slightly annoyed look he laughs and says our packs territory is in the northwest half of the U.S. and covers all of Washington, Oregon, and most of Idaho state."
Apparently he is very strong and very well liked because he has gained this much territory due to the fact that he liberated other packs from some really shity alphas that would abuse the power they had.
Holy shit I'm the mate of a badass! Not only that he's been a total sweetheart to me so far and is a hundred on a scale of ten if you get my meaning, wink wink.
For all the crap I've gone through recently is this why to meet this person? Ok universe take it easy now but thankyou I've never had anyone look at me like he is and HOLY FLAMING PANTYS BATMAN! I could get used to it.

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