morning and morning rituals

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Mmm... I haven't slept that good in forever, I think as a stretch.  Crap now I have to pee, damn bladder.  What a kill joy I don't want to get up yet.  I really don't want to have an accident more though.  Sigh, bladder- one, best bed in the world- zero.  As I go to get up I realize I have a new problem.  The warmest belt I've ever had is actually Ez's arm and he has a death grip on me.
Ok let's review: screaming need to empty my bladder- check.  Arm made of steel that only gets tighter every time I move- check.  My not really wanting to wake him cuz yeah embarrassing- check.  Me not having a choice cuz I'm about to pee my pants- check.  Crap ok here goes nothing.
I turn towards Ez as carefully as I can cuz I REALLY don't want to wet the bed.  I gently nudge him, nothing.  I try poking his face, he snuggles closer into me.  Now all I can move is one arm, because not only did he shift closer he put his legs on mine.  I don't know how I'm not peeing yet.  I start running my fingers up his side and hit what I'm looking for.  He's ticklish on his ribs cuz he flinches and grumbles at me.
"Babe, quit it that tickles, it's too early go back to sleep." I can't stress how cute his morning grumbly voice is.  "I have to get up Ez," I reply.  "No, not yet, I'm not ready to get up yet, let's sleep some more," he mumbles.  "Babe I got to go to the bathroom please, I can't hold it anymore!" I plead.  He reluctantly releases me and I make a mad waddle to the bathroom.
After I finished my business I go to the closet for a change of clothes so I  can take a shower.  I look at Ez who has sat up and is rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  "Did I just see you waddling a few minutes ago?" He asks.  "Yes, what's your point?" I sass at him.  He just chuckles shaking his head, "nothing just had a flash of the future is all."  He stands up and heads into the bathroom with a smirk on his face.
Rolling my eyes I continue to look for what I want to wear.  My new phone Ez got me pings with a new message.  I head over to my bedside table to grab my phone.  It's from my cousin. Bryon the enforcer: Good mornin Nickie hope you're ready for company cuz Adri and I are on our way we're bout 40 mins out...
Holy crap he wasn't kidding about the inquisition.  I'm happy I'll get to see my cousins though.  I haven't seen Adri in a few years, she had married some asshole who isolated her from us.  I guess he thought it would make it easier to cheat on her if she didn't have us.  My cousin is one of the best people I know.  She deserves someone that will treasure her and make her happy.  I'm so glad she left that asshat he never deserved her.  I'm TOTALLY not biased about it everyone thought so, even his family thought so and that's saying something.
With a smile on my face I turn and almost run right into Ez.  "Holy shit! I'm gonna have to put a bell on you so I can hear you coming you scared me.  That was my cousin, he and his sister are on the way." I say putting my phone down and picking my clothes back up because I just dropped them.
As soon as I straighten back up Ez pulls me close and says, " you know if you want to here me Cumming then that's all you had to say."  He starts wiggling his eyebrows and I start laughing.  I smacked his chest and wiggled out of his arms, "babe they're only forty minutes out and my cousin has a lead foot when he's worried so I think we better get ready.  Unless you want him to kill you when he gets here?" I ask.  "He could try but he wouldn't, would he?" He asks with an uncertain look on his face.  "I really don't know, but do you think it's wise to have us making love when he gets here as the first impression you make?" I inquire.  "No that would be awkward and I don't want you to be uncomfortable," he tells me.
With that I go take my shower and get dressed.  When I come out of the bathroom Ez isn't in the room anymore.  So I leave the bedroom in search of him.  I end up finding him in a massive kitchen with Cynthia and someone guy I don't know yet.
As I walk in he turns to me and  introduces me to his beta Angel.  Angel is Cynthia's older brother.  They are in the process of making breakfast  when there's a loud knock on the front door, Ez heads for the door telling me to sit at the table as he passes me.
The door opens and I hear Bryon, "you must be the boyfriend who our cousin told me about."  "Yes and she warned me that your very protective of your family, I respect that I am also, please come in," he welcomes them.
As soon as they enter the kitchen  before I could even get up, both Angel and Cynthia turn and say mate at the same time while looking at my cousins.  Ok this is going to be a fun talk.

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