becoming one

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Once again he started to kiss my neck in that sweet spot if felt so good.  Then he stopped AGAIN. 
"Wait I need to tell you somethings first I was going to when I came in, but you tend to distract me." He says while shaking his head.  "Now?" I whine.  "Yeah, babe it's important to me," he says.  I wait to hear what he's going to say.  "Ok remember when Cynthia said that the ceremony is like a wedding? I nod, well its because you become one of us in the fact that you are then connected to the whole pack, as in you can talk to them telepathically and they can talk to you too.  Right now I'm going to mark you as mine, this lets others know that.  To do that I'm going to bite you, it will only hurt at first then it will feel really good."  Before he can continue I have to ask, "how do you know if you've never done this?"  He smirks, "I asked my dad when I was little."
I can't help the giggle that escapes me, "how did that go?" "Well he was taken aback and wanted to know why I would even ask, it was because I had heard some people talking about it and was curious," he just shrugs.  I  laugh and say "ok continue sorry for distracting you again." He smiles and does as asked, "to complete the mating ritual we have to make love as well."
Ok! I know I said I'm ready that doesn't mean that I didn't blush just now, cuz I can feel it I did.  I go ahead and tell him that I've never done this before so be gentle.  I see a Extremely happy gleam in his eye at this news.
"Dont worry I have you." He says while leaning in to kiss me and you know what he did.
He learned my body's curves and valleys with firm but gentle caresses.  I in turn learned his body, his hard lean muscles under my fingertips.  His taste, his touch intoxicating me.  He used his hands, his lips, and even nipped me with his teeth.  He tasted my skin, bathed in my essence, taking my scent and marking my body with his.  He plunged deep inside me over and over, filling me up, making me fly.  Just as I reached for the stars he sank his teeth into that sweet spot and  I flew to the moon.  He came with me, together we danced among the stars.  Our hearts beating together as one.  Our breathing labored, the feel of his weight pressing me down but in a delicious way.
I felt like a flower who finally bloomed.  After we returned to earth, I snuggled into Ez's embrace sleep was pulling at me before I could fall asleep Ez kissed my head and said, "marry me Nickie, if you want to wait so we can have a huge wedding it's fine with me but marry me."
I looked into my mates eyes beautiful green eyes and said, "yes."  I don't know if I have ever been so happy.  With a huge smile on my face and love filling my heart I fell asleep.
I don't know how long it's been since I fell asleep but I'm not sure how I got here.
Ok I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming or at least I hope I am.  I'm standing in what looks like a clearing in the woods.  There is a beautiful woman sitting at a table and she is calling me to sit in the chair next to her.  It seems  I don't have a choice but to comply as me feet move on their own.  As I get closer I can only wonder what is in store for me here, why is the moon so bright, and why cant I wake up!

how I met my soul mateWhere stories live. Discover now