so she is darkness

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The rogues are at my back, but my focus is on my handsome mate, Angel and our warriors flank him.  His electric green eyes go from looking at  me to those who surround me, I watch as they bleed to black.
The Dark witch yells at the rogues, "YOU USELESS DOGS! I TOLD YOU TO KILL THAT MUTT!!" she points at Ez.
"Shut the fuck up, don't you ever call him that!!" I yell out pissed.
The leader of the rogues steps forward and says, "watch yourself  Belladonna or we will leave you to do your own dirty work."
"I no longer need you unwashed dogs," she smirks.  Before he can say anything she Zaps him with lightning from her left hand.  "You other mutts can just DIE!!!!!" she screams.
After that it was pandemonium.
The rogues attacked me because I was important to Belladonna.  My pack started to fight them to protect me.  I was fighting rogues at first then she tried to take me, OH HELLS NO!
"It's on bitch! I told you I would kick your ass!" I'm proud to report, I'm holding my own, my taining has paid off.  I just broke her nose when a wolf hits her from behind, I was thinking at first that it was Ez, but it wasn't.  It was the rogue's leader, how he was still alive was a mystery to me.
That didn't matter to me at the moment my mate and pack did.  I  didn't even have to move he came to me the fighting around us stopped as quickly as it started.  Ez nuzzled me and I buried my face in his neck, "you came for me." "I will always come for you! I would die without you, you are my heart the other half of my soul, never forget that." He says this only for me.
The rogue's leader clears his throat earning the most guttural growl I've heard from Ez.
"My name is Ryan Frost, in exchange for killing Belladonna, we ask only to leave with our lives, she took eight of our pups the only way she would give them back was to take your mate.
Now that her threat is gone we can reclaim them," he said.
I looked to Ez, in my head he asked me if it was fine with me, he didn't think it was a fair trade, so I turned to our enemy.  "Did your people kill any of my pack members?" I asked in a calm quiet manner.  Before he answered Ez informed me that surprising no one died, but we had some severely injured people one of whom was Alex.
Ryan stepped forward, "if they did what would you do about it, because if I'm not mistaken you are human."
I didn't say anything, I went up to him and before he knew what happened I had him pinned to the floor.  "I would take as many from you as you did me.  These people, my pack, are my family, I protect what's mine!"
Ez's POV- Holy shit! If we didn't have an audience, I would take my mate right now.  That was so fucking hot I know what we're doing tonight! But now not the time for those thoughts, MAN, I am so proud of my mate.  MOON GODDESS IF YOU'RE LISTENING THANKYOU FOR BRINGING HER TO ME!!!
I go head and shift not really caring about my nudity, but I guess Nickie doesn't like others seeing my junk because she works her way in front of me.
Ryan stands looking at her with respect, she took him down, not something he expected to happen but she did.  He looks at me and says, "the Moon Goddess blessed you well."
"Yes she did," I say looking at Nickie.
"Alpha Luna," he bows his head slightly in a sign of respect, "may we leave in peace to search for our missing pups?" He asks with hope in his eyes.
I silently ask the Moon Goddess for guidance, she doesn't dissapoint.  I see a vision and decide to say it a loud, " go down the stairs, take a right, pass five rooms on the left, turn down the darkest corridor, keep moving till you see arches that are windowless. They are in the third room on the right.  They appear to be sleeping in a playpen," I say opening my eyes.  Whoa! I feel dizzy and tired.  I would have fallen if Ez wasn't holding me up. 
How do you know that? he inquires.  Ez asks me the same question in my head.  "I asked the Goddess for guidance," I reply.
With a nod from Ryan his pack, well most of them run back to Belladonna's lair.  To follow my instructions, twenty minutes later he has the biggest smile and tears in his eyes.
"She took your pup didn't she," I ask him.  He only nods, then he thanks me.  I smile and tell him I was happy that they found their pups, he didnt need to thank me.  He looked at Ez and asked something unexpected, "Alpha with your permission I would like to join my pack with yours.  We have so few members now, because she killed a good deal of us before taking the pups.  We are tired of wondering we would like to stay if you wouldn't mind.  Of course I would like the Luna's approval as well!" He says.
I looked at Ez telling him throigh mind link, it's his call, he's Alpha, he snorts telling me that he isn't fooled into thinking my opinion doesn't matter.
We turn to Ryan together, Ez says, "your pack will be on probation for six months, if I feel you are all trust worthy you may stay.  Should we find you have only come close to hurt our pack, well you heard our Luna we protect what's ours.  Even the Goddess would not stop me from killing those who hurt mine." Ez voice rumbled at the end, Dev no doubt adding his two cents.
Ryan accepted without complaint.  Ater that we headed for home.  I'm so tired, Ez carries me back.  Being the worry wort he is I end up waking the next morning in the pack hospital.

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