not safe even in dreams

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That night after I finally fell asleep I was dreaming, I was walking through the forest and I came to a clearing.  The sun was shining and the breeze was nice.  There was a stream near by with cool clear water.  The grass wasn't too high and there was flowers with bright colors.
I sat on a rock by the stream and let my feet sit in the water.  I noticed that I was wearing a blue summer dress that ended at just above my knees.  It showed off my pale skin, my cousins always said I needed more sun. 
I closed my eyes just enjoying myself, I don't know how long I was sitting there when i felt a change.
My eyes popped open and I looked around it was no longer sunny.  It was dark and cold.  The grass and flowers were gone.  Even the water was gone, turned slowly till I caught sight of movement.  Unlike the horror movies I didn't go to check it out, I slowly moved sideways being as quiet as possible.  Just before I got to the woods her voice called to me.
"I'm coming to get you, if you don't want the dogs to die you should come to me." Her voice sounds like nails on a chalk board.
"Look bitch you hurt what's mine and your dead," I say turning toward her.
"You will be back in your cage soon enough," she smirks, "I can't let my pet Guinea pig play forever can I?"
In the blink of an eye she is in front of me grabbing my arm.  By the looks of this woman she doesn't appear strong, but you know what they say looks are deceiving.
Her grip is so hard I know I'll be bruised.  To make her let go I did something she didn't expect.  I jabbed her eye as hard as I could.  It felt grouse, but did the job.  She ached back screeching holding her face in her hands.  I took my chance to run, I made it to the woods and I somehow knew she couldn't reach me here.
Her voice rang out with fury, "you little bitch!! your going to beg for death when I'm done with you!!! just you wait!!!  your pets will die first you hear me? especially the green eyed mutt!!!"
I turned and made my way deeper into the woods.  It was still dark but it didn't feel frightening.  I saw a beam of moonlight a head of me as I approached I heard the goddess' voice, "well done escaping but it's far from over, work on you self defense more."
"Why does she really want me? what is her plan?" I cry out and as before get no answer.
"baby! wake up!" I feel myself being shaken, the dream is gone.  I open my eyes to see worried green ones.  I reach for Ez, but before I can put my arms around him he grabs my left hand extending my arm out to look at it.  I have a very dark bruise in the shape of a hand.
"Where the hell did you get this?" He asks me.  I look at it in shock, holy shit I didn't want to think of what else could happen.  "Babe?" He looks at me.  Sighing,  I tell him the dream.  I know hes not going to like it but I shouldn't keep this from him.  His growl proves it, his eyes grow dark and he pulls me to him.  "YOU'RE MINE! SHE IS NOT TAKING YOU FROM ME!" His deep rumbling voice says to me.
I kiss his neck where his mark is, it showed up after mine.  His muscles started to relax.  "I know, she's not taking you away from me either," I say as I continue to kiss him.  Soon I'm no longer thinking of anything but getting Ez out of his clothes and into me.  He must have read my mind or at least had the same train of thought because we waste no time sheading our clothes.  He slides into me making me moan, hes no longer in a rush.  The feel of him filling me up over and over in a slow steady rhythm, making sure to brush my clit as he does.  "You're so wet," he me groans out, "fuck and you're so tight, shit baby you're going to unman me and make me cum already."
The only sounds I'm capable of are moans of my own.  The feel of him filling me to the base of his beautiful cock, feeling his balls hitting me with each thrust.  I feel like I'm losing my mind it is just so good, the familiar pressure builds I'm close.  So close when he grinds out "fuck baby cum with me!" That's all it took, I came so hard I think I saw the pearly gates.

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